|10| My dear Jamie

138 10 16

Slight gore.

Alexa's POV

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you, just like I enjoyed breaking your mother, pup."

What? What does my mother have to do with this?

The confusion on my face must be as clear as day to him. He let out a dark chuckle and took steps towards me, a crazy grin on his face.

"Awwn... The little girl is so confused." He tilted his head to the right and started at me with his crazy, empty eyes, "Ok pup, let me tell you something, but you have to keep it a secret, ok? Your dear Uncle wants it to be all, hush-hush, if you know what I mean." He laughed at his own words then plopped down on the dusty floor in front of Cornelius and I.

This guy is creeping me out, and I think Cornelius agrees with me with the way we are both clutching onto each other in fear.

"Now, where should I begin?" He pondered to himself while looking at the ceiling, "How about 4 years ago when your dear mommy disappeared?" He asked me and didn't wait for me to respond- not like I was gonna respond- before he went on.

"So I'll make this brief, I want to get to the fun stuff." He grinned at us and I hugged Cornelius tighter. "Your Uncle wanted your mom gone, so he paid me to make her disappear."

I froze at his words. He paid this guy to kill my mom? How could he! She was his sister for crying out loud.

"I took her and put a fake dead body there that looks like her, then I made a dark witch break the bond between her and your father to make him think she was dead. Uncle dearest wanted me to end her, but I wanted to have a little fun first." There was a crazy sparkle in his eye that sent a disgusted shiver down my spine.

"I wanted to take that your brat of a sister with me too, but she somehow managed to escape. But I'll find her, one way or another." I felt happiness and relief flow in my veins at the fact that my sister managed to get away, and I prayed to every existing deity out there to protect her.

That man is a heartless being, and I wish I didn't have his blood running through my veins. He destroyed my family, tore us apart all because of his petty envy, and he still had the guts to abuse me with the bitch of a mate he has and his bastard son.

Rage filled me and at that moment, I swore to kill them if I ever managed to get out of this psychopath's hands.

But if Roger took my mom, then where is she now? Could it be possible for her to still be alive?

"Hey little pup, I have a little something for you." Roger said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm sure you miss your momma, right? Well, let me bring her to you so that you can see her again." That strange sparkle was back.

I felt a little hope. She could still be alive! But that crazy sparkle in his eye... It's making me feel like I won't like this. All the alarms in my head are telling me this is bad.

He walked to the corner of the room and brought out a large box that I hadn't noticed before. It had a rotten pungent scent to it, as if there was something dead in it-

Oh no.

I started to shake with the possiblity again in Cornelius's arms, who hadn't said a peep since Roger got here. The realization of what, or who, could be in that box shook me to my core.

The red headed man came back towards us and put the box in front of me. "Think of it as a late birthday present, pup." He said as he slowly opened the box and my blood ran cold when it revealing a decaying head.

My mother's head.

Cornelius and I screamed and shuffled backwards. I gasped and covered my mouth as my body shook with the uncontrollable sobs. The tears clouded my vision but I was somehow still able to see the severed head of the woman I loved the most, unable to tear my eyes away from her opened lifeless ones.

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