|8| Ruger Lynch

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*Three weeks later*

Alexa's POV

I stood in the woods outside my school staring at the gate with a heavy heart.

Since the... incident with Michael three weeks ago, I haven't been able to leave my house. I felt so ashamed of myself, I still do, for letting him take advantage of me like that. I feel so dirty.

If I had a choice, I would have never left my house, but my Uncle's beatings... I shiver just thinking about it. So I had to pick my poison- face Michael or face my Uncle- I'd pick Michael any day.

I have to leave this place, but the problem is that I don't know where to go. I most definitely don't want to become a rouge, that's an instant death wish. Although, dying doesn't sound like such a bad idea right n-

"Don't, Alexa. You have to stay strong. Stay alive for our baby" Alia reminded me in my head. I found out yesterday that Michael got me pregnant that dreadful night.

"But how?!" I cried, "Tell me, how am I supposed to stay strong? I don't even know how I'm going to take care of this baby on my own, because I'm sure as hell that the bastard isn't going to take responsibility for it."

"I don't know, Alexa. But we can't just give up. We'll find a way, we'll survive and bring up this child. It did nothing wrong, it deserves all the love we can give it. We have to hope." She told me. Her words have me a renewed hope, that maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay.

Oh how wrong I was.


Narrator's POV

After a little while of thinking in the woods, Alexandria finally gathered enough courage to walk into the school building.

It was already lunch time, meaning that everyone was in the cafeteria having the time of their lives, completely unaware of the mental battle that the young girl was facing.

It's not like they'd care anyways. To them, Alexandria was a weak link. An abnormality that wasn't supposed to be born. And they made sure to remind her of this every day.

But Michael's reason for hating her was more personal than others. The boy was always jealous of Alexa because of the love and care that his parents, especially his mother, showed to her and her sister, despite the fact that they weren't her own children.

He felt like they loved her more than him, even though his parents always took care of him and Christabel and loved them with all their hearts. The both of them were always hungry for attention. They felt like they should be worshipped because they were the children of an Alpha.

The two of them made it their personal mission to make both Alexandria and Cassandra's life a living hell. So, whenever the Luna, their mom, bought a toy for the girls, they would destroy it, claiming it as an accident.

Whenever they were at school, they would always find ways to bully them. Either they would splash water on them when they were walking home, or they would turn their friends against them.

But the two little girls were too good. They never once complained to their parents. They always believed that Michael and his sister would change one day.

But the brother and sister duo started to take their bullying to the next level on Alexa when her parents died and Cassie disappeared. Their mother, Luna Lily, would scold them and warn them to stop what they were doing to the poor girl, but that only made them hate her even more.

Luna Lily treated the girls like they were her own children, but she never neglected her own children either. Just like how Alexa's mom, Michelle, treated the brother and sister duo like they were her own children and also didn't neglect the girls.

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