|4| Cassandra

138 11 15

Somewhere in the south)

Narrator's POV

Finally, my POV. I always love doing this. It's always more fun when I tell the story in my own words. Now, back to the story.

While our young villain is with her mate in Avan pack, we now go southwards to catch a glimpse on the small village, which may- or may not- be the area of residence another one of our main characters.

The afternoon sun is bright and radiant, but not too hot. The perfect weather for our blue eyed friend to soak up the sun's Ray's by the river at the edge of the small village. But this isn't an ordinary village, oh no...

It's a village of witches. White witches to be exact.

No, that's not the kind of white I'm talking about. Some of the members are actually people of color, others Asian or Australian or American. A peaceful, non racist society.

I don't tolerate racism in my books.

The kind of White I'm talking about is the Pure kind. Good witches and warlocks they are, unlike their mortal enemies who live way up North, the Dark witches, who deal with black magic.

"Cassandra!" The blue eyed girl's name was called, causing her to turn around. She spotted the smiling face of her black haired friend.

"Quinn!" She giggled and threw her arms around the girl.

"How are you my dear?" Quinn had asked after a brief greeting was exchanged.

"I am doing well, Quinn" Cassandra replied as she watched her friend take a seat at the edge of the river with her.

Quinn looked at her little 13 year old friend "Any luck recovering your memories?" She asked.

"No, not yet." Cassandra sighed, "I still don't remember anything. But every night, in my dreams, something keeps whispering the names 'Iris' or 'Alexa'. It's so strange."

Quinn put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's ok. We'll figure it out."

Quinn is an elder in the White Witch coven. She had found little Cassandra in the woods unconscious 4 years ago. The girl was no older than nine years old when she was found.

The elder had been on an evening stroll through the village when she was suddenly his with a brief vision of a little blonde girl, laying on the forest floor amongst the trees.

She had immediately taken off into the forest as she never has visions or see people in them without a good reason. She instantly knew that the girl was important.

She walked around the dark woods with a little whisper telling her where to go. It wasn't long before she found the girl laying on the moist Earth, physically unconscious and unharmed apart from a few scratches along her arms.

Elder Quinn had taken her to the coven's infirmary. When the girl had woken up the next day, she had no recollection of anything. She had no idea how she had gotten to the woods, where she came from or who her family was.

The only thing she remembered was her name, age and birthday. Nothing else.

So Quinn decided to take her under her wing after she confirmed that the girl, Cassandra, posed no threat to her and her coven.

What amazed the Elder was the fact that Cassandra was able to perform magical spells only witches can. She found out about this interesting feat when the girl at age 11 playfully read a spell from Quinn's Enchantium book, and accidentally turned one of the witches in training into a frog.

What was even stranger, was that Cassandra had the aura of a werewolf.

Every supernatural specie has an aura around them that can let other beings know their race and rank. But the girl's werewolf aura is suppressed somehow, so much so that no one else in the coven has been able to sense it except the experienced elder, Quinn, leading everyone else to think that Cassandra is a witch.

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