|14| The Breaking Point

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A/N: The picture above is Alexa. I tried to draw her, is it good?
PS: please ignore the low quality of my phone camera. I know it's bad, but I guess that's what happens when you use an Itel to take photos 🤷🏾‍♀️

Trigger warning: Serious Emotional breakdown. Like, seriously serious.


Alexa's POV

I threw the last patch of dirt on the amateur grave, my arms shaking with exhaustion. I honestly don't know how I'm still alive, still breathing, still moving.

The wind blew harshly against my face with a storm brewing in the distance, warning me to find shelter lest I get caught in the crossfire of the elements, but I just couldn't bring myself to care.

My eyes stared brokenly at the rough wooden headstone of the last person I cherished. My hot tears ran freely down my pale face. My eyes constantly dashed around me making sure that there was no one hiding behind the trees ready to pounce on me.

I'm honestly tired. I'm tired of this pain, the fear and anxiety. I'm jumping to every sound I hear, every movement caught by my eyes is met with a blast of obsidian flames.

Those people the came towards Ruger's hideout... I can't trust them. I can't trust anyone. For all I know, the girl I saved could lead me to a hell worse than the one I escaped from, that's why I ran. I took Cornelius's body and bolted from there.

No... I can't let them catch me.

If they do, I'm sure they'll take me back there. Back to that wretched pack.

I won't allow it.

I hugged my knees to my chest, resting against a tree that's in front of Cornelius's grave. I rocked my trembling body back and forth and the heavy sobs racking through my body. Then, I started to hear it.

The voices.

"You worthless piece of shit."

"You'll never be anything in life, I don't even know why I bother taking care of you."

"Pathetic. No wonder he didn't accept you."

My Uncle's voice rang through my head, creating a painful echo in my brain.

"Hey bitch! Why don't you just go do us all a favor and end yourself. The world would be much better without you contaminating it."

This time it was Jack's voice I heard. My eyes darted around trying to find the source of the voices but to no avail.

"Weakling. You can't even take a few punches. How pathetic can you be?"

"Why don't you go home and cry to your mommy? Oh that's right, you don't have one!"


The voices of my school mates laughing at my misery replayed in my brain. My breath sped up as I shook my head to try and clear it of the voices.

"Stop..." I weakly cried.

"Take her to The Chamber. I believe she needs to me taught a very important lesson."

No! It can't be. He's dead! I killed him myself, Ruger's dead!

"Shut up! Stay dead you bastard!" I clamped my ears closed trying to block the voices out. My body trembled in fear and my eyes shot around the dark forest, the bright full moon being the only source of light.

"C'mon, Alexa. Why are you resisting? Don't be so tense, I just know you'll enjoy it."

Michael's voice came next, sending a shiver of disgust and fear down my spine. I felt my skin start to crawl and I could feel his fingers touching me.

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