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A/N: Trigger warning: mention of torture and mental abuse. Also slightly horror content included.

*3 years later*

Alexa's POV

I heard the crack of the whip before I felt it slash across my back. Although my skin burned at the direct contact with silver, the nerves in my body felt completely numb to the pain, already used to it.

"Pathetic!" Crack!

"Weak!" Crack!

"Worthless!" Crack!

"Stupid bitch!" Crack! Crack!!

With each word he said, he brought the silver whip down on my back harder than the last.

"This isn't enough punishment for you. I believe I'm becoming too soft on you for you to grow the guts to attack me. Maybe you need to spend a week at The Chamber again." My head snapped up at his words.

No, I thought, anything but that!

It's been three years since Cornelius and I have been stuck in this hellhole. Three years since I lost my child. Three years of pure torture.

Ruger- or master as he prefers to called- takes joy in trying to break us. From silver whips for me and razor edged whips for Cornelius, to locking us up in The Chamber, which is by far the worst of them all.

I recently attempted to escape again and tried attacking him, but my plan totally flunked, now Cornelius and I are paying for it.

In the past years in this hell, we've had each other's backs. We became much closer after that night I cried on his shoulder after I lost my little Jamie. Whenever one of us were returned to our cell after being tortured, we'd always help each other and tend to our wounds as best as we can.

Over time, we've grown to care for each other and our friendship became much stronger.

I've been trying to get us out of here, or at least get Cornelius out, considering the fact that he's here in this mess and suffering this trauma because of me. But it always seems like Ruger is one step ahead of me.

Everytime, I change my strategy and we act when I think he'll least expect it, but he always catches us. I'm starting to lose hope that we'll ever get out of here alive.

"Chain her up!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Ruger ordered his men. "And take her to the basement. To The Chamber." A wicked grin appeared on his face at the horrified look on mine. I frantically shook my head in fear.

"No, please Master! Please! Anything but that, I beg you!" I cried and begged for mercy hoping to appease him as his men chained me up in the silver chains, burning my already wounded back.

He turned back to me, his evil grin spreading wider on his face and that familiar creepy crazy glint in his eyes as he stared through my soul.

"Then you shouldn't have crossed me again. Take her away!" His hard hearted men dragged me on the concrete floor about of the torture cell. I thrashed around and screamed, hoping that maybe someone will come to help us, but it was useless.

No one would help.

No one's coming for us.

We are all alone. Left to die a slow torturous death in the hands of a psychopath.

As we got closer to the dark looming heavy metal doors of The Chamber, the more my thrashing got. I heard as one of his men unlocked the door and push it open with a grunt.

The Chamber is the worst place to be. It's a room that's heavily coated in dark magic, it makes a person see hallucinations and manifestations of their worst memories and their biggest fears. It is specially designed for the mental torture of prisoners.

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