|19| Training With The Pirate

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A/N: In case you're wondering how Adam talks, just imagine sebastian's accent in the new My Little Mermaid live action movie.


Alexa's POV

"Hit only the target, not the whole bloody wall!" Adam commented. I snapped my head towards him and growled in frustration, my patience wearing thin.

"Can't you see that's what I'm trying to do, you ginger-haired crackhead!" My rage is starting to spark around me again in the form of fire.

"Crackhead?! I haven't even smoked a pot in two years, Lassie." He countered, looking offended by my insult.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" My eye twitched and fire burst around me, the tips of the obsidian flames reaching high into the sky.

"Ay, calm down, Alexandria! You're burnin' a hole in the ground!" He quickly jumped farther away from my range as he spoke.

We are currently in a large clearing some distance away from Blackbeard's cabin in the forest that's got to be at least two hundred meters wide, any trees or shrubbery that could catch fire are as far away from us as possible. We don't want a forest fire on our hands.

I took some deep breaths to cool down my blood, and the fire slowly dissipated back into my body. I looked down to see that I had indeed burned the ground, a small black crater surrounding me and indented a bit into the earth

"You need to learn how to summon your element at will and not to let yer emotions spin it out of control." He sighed and came closer again. "Let's try that again. This time, take deep breaths to calm yourself down and try to concentrate the size of your flames to let it hit only the target in the middle of the wall."

"Okay." I puffed out a breath and turned to face the makeshift clay wall holding the red target rings. I closed my eyes and took in several deep breaths, trying to relax and calm my mind.

My eyes fluttered open, my right hand rose from my side to take aim and I tried to summon my flames at will without the interference of my emotions.

Soon enough, I could feel the familiar tingle of heat traveling down my arm into my palm. My hand started to glow in the sinister color, the black flames started to glow from my fingertips and soon, my whole hand was covered in gloom.

I closed my eyes once again, trying to concentrate my energy to just the palm of my hands. It didn't work, the feeling of the flames surrounding my hand still ever prominent and I began to get frustrated. Sensing this, Adam tried to encourage me with his words.

"Remember, deep breaths and remain calm, it might take some time. Don't lose control. Concentrate." Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In...

The area of the flames shrank down to my palms, only the front of my hands were now exuding the heat. I increased the energy in my palm and the heat coming out from it. I opened my eyes again to readjust my aim and steady my arm with the other one as my hand had moved out of position.

Then, I released it, the fire blasting out of my hand with great power and the reactive force pushing my body back a few meters, my feet leaving skid marks in the soil. The blast hit the target this time, though, it covered the entire area of the target and burned right through it.

I brought my hand to my face and blew away the steam and turned to Adam to gauge my performance, but he was no where to be found

"What the...?" I moved my head from left to right, trying to locate my trainer once again, but to no avail.

Suddenly, I heard the distinct crackle of a fire behind me and I turned around just in time to see a ball of fire heading in my direction. Instinct guided my reaction as I conjured up my own ball of fire to counter the one heading my way in milliseconds. Red and black met in the middle and blew each other out of existence with a thick cloud of grey smoke left in it's wake.

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