|17| An Eye For An Eye.

79 10 4

Alexa's POV

"Maybe ye can do me a few favours in return, like going to have a bath maybe?"


"Not to be rude, Lassie. But you smell like you've been living in a dungeon for a year." Three, actually. But I'm not going to tell him that for obvious reasons. "For the past two days me nose has been abused by the stench and I'm too much of a gentleman to try and bathe you myself. Ye have no idea how glad I am that yer awake so that you can go and take a shower."

So much for not being rude. If I had enough energy to care, I'd probably be offended, but I just lazily blinked at him.

Blinked? Or is it winked because it's only one eye that did it?


He walked over to the bedside drawer, pulled it open and brought out some pieces of clothing before pushing it shut. He came back towards the bed I was laying on and dropped the clothes on my lap.

"The bathroom's that way." He said while pointing his thumb at a wooden door behind him. "Use it for as long as you need to. Check the cabinet above the sink and you'll find a new soap bar still in it's packet and a new toothbrush also in it packet 'cause I'm sure ya wouldn't like to use mine."

Oh really now. What made you think of that?

"Oh! And... try to ignore the red hair in the drain of the shower." He added.


Well, beggars can't be choosers I guess. I admit that I do smell horrid. If I were him, I would have probably thrown me in the trash. Can I even move now?

I tried to wiggle the hand that I had used earlier. It still hurt like hell but at least it's better than it was a few minutes ago so I can manage. I've been through worse. Maybe that shit that Blackbeard made me drink actually worked because werewolf healing is fast but not this fast.

But then again, it could be slow poison. But why would he want to poison me anyways? That would just be a waste of his resources used to patch me up if he is just gonna kill me in the end.

"Here, let me help ya up." I growled at him and he retracted his outstretched hands. I don't want him touching me when it's not necessary. "Okay then"

I pushed myself off the bed slowly and I am very sure that I heard a few bones crack. I grabbed the clothes from the bed and started walking towards the wooden doors.

"If ya need any help with anything, just call-" I slammed the door amid his sentence. "Rude."

I looked around the small room. It has all the essentials; a toilet, a bathtub, a shower, a sink and cabinet, not too fancy but not too shabby either. Though the lightbulb could be brighter- huh?

This place has electricity? Then why the hell did he use fire torches in the other room like some caveman?

Meh, maybe he's broke. I hear that electricity bills are expensive these days with the crashing economy. No wonder the bulb is so dim.

You know, now that I think about it, where the hell did Ruger get the money to fund all his torture devices? I'm sure that the magic used in The Chamber wasn't provided free of charge, that shit must be expensive. He must have some kind of secret stash of cash somewhere.

I'm definitely going to look for that stash after I'm done with Avan. Not like he's using it anymore.

I walked towards the shower and was about to take off.my clothes when I thought of something. I looked around for something heavy but not too heavy. Looks like luck is on my side right now because I found a heavy looking chair right up in the corner of the room.

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