|1| A new friend

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Iris's POV

I woke up to the sound of a dying seagull.

Oh wait, that's just the sound of my cousin singing.

What a wonderful way to wake up on a Monday morning. And to make it worse, I have to go to school today.

How lovely.

I groaned and got up from bed and went to the bathroom. I would have told him to shut up but I don't want to get beaten again. It hasn't happened in a while and I'd like it to stay that way.

I feel tears spring up in my eyes when I remember the day everything went from bad to worse.

There was a rouge attack 4 years ago. It was a fairly small group of rouges, about 15 feral wolves at most and they were taken care of fairly quickly. But, somehow, they were able to gang up on my mom when she was out in the woods with my little sister and took her down.

My mom was a warrior wolf, and a very strong one at that. She was very close to the Luna as they had been friends since Middle School. She was the only one who died during that attack but her death was still a great loss to the pack.

I still remember what became of my dad after that. His mate died and half his soul died with her. He was admitted in the hospital but it was futile as he died ten days after her.

And my little sister, she was just 9 years old when it happened. I actually don't know where she is, but I do know that she's alive since my family bond with her isn't broken. She was in the woods with Mom when she was attacked and trackers haven't gotten a trace of her since.

She just disappeared.

I shook those thoughts out of my head and got ready for school. I rushed downstairs and saw my Aunt, Uncle and my cousin, Jack, in the living room.

"Good morning." I greated quietly expecting no reply as usual. Just when I was about to move out the door, I heard my uncle speak up.

"Iris" he said coldly, "Your eighteenth birthday was last week, correct?"

I gulped. My extended family haven't exactly been nice and caring, quite the contrary actually. My Uncle is the Beta but has always been jealous of his sister, my mother, who always had the hearts of the Alpha and Luna.

Since I'm an orphan, I've had to live with my uncle and Aunt since the incident, and they haven't exactly been the kindest people to me. They hated my mom with a burning passion, and with both my mom and dad gone, they turned the hatred into me. Jealousy can do that to people.

I felt a sting on the side of my cheek and my head whipped to the side. Jack slapped me.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

"My father asked you a question, Freak. Or are you too dull minded to answer."

I'll admit, not a good insult.

"Y-yes. It was s-sir" I stammered.

My Uncle looked me up and down in disgust. "Pathetic, no wonder he didn't accept you."

I felt the tears come back up, but I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Anyways, let's get straight to the point shall we?" My Aunt asked as she sneered at me.

"Right. Kid, I want you out of my house." Uncle said.


I stared at him in shock but quickly lowered my gaze as I mistakenly looked him in the eye.

"You're 18. Meaning that we don't have to take care of you anymore. I want you pack your irritating self out of my home by the end of the year. Understood?"

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