1. Scar

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Jellies meowing woke up Scar.
It was early but it doesn't really bother him. He looked if his roommate is still sleeping and then he got up and walked with Jellie to the kitchen.

In the kitchen there were Etho and Bdubs eating and taking.

"Morning"-Scar said in sleepy voice.

"Morning"- the duo reply.

Scar opened a cupboard and took Jellies food from it.

"Are you going to early patrol"- Scar asked, putting cat food to Jellies bowl.

"X said so and we didn't actually have anything better to do either. So yeah "- Etho answered.

"We'll be back before lunch don't worry."- Bdubs add.

Scar just nodded.
He decided to make a breakfast and eat it with the boys and Jellie.

Not long after he was finishing eating the other two needed to go and they left Scar and Jellie.

Some minutes later, more people started coming.
It was the ZIT grup and Cub with Iskall.

"Hi guys."- Scar said as soon as he saw his friends coming.
They all reply with "Morning","Hello",etc.

When Cub and Iskall joined Scar.
He waited couple of minutes and finally asked.

"Where's Mumbo?"

"Still working."- Answered Iskall
"I tried to convince him to come with us but he didn't listen."-he added.

"I'll talk to him."- Scar said, got up and went towards Mumbo's and Iskall room. Followed by Jellie.


"Mumbo!"-Scar said knocking at the door. But no-one answer so Scar opened the door.

Mumbo was working on something.
He was that focused on his work that he hasn't notice Scar coming.

"Mumbo!"Scar said when he got close enough to his friend.

"AHH!" Mumbo look at the person next to him.
"Gosh... Scar you scared me."

"Sorry but you haven't answer my knocking."

" I was working on my project."

Scar didn't know what was the mysterious project but he known it must be something important to Mumbo cause he works non stop on it for like 10 years now?

"You need to take break or you'll overwork yourself."

"I know..I know.. "

"Mumbo"- Scar said in serious voice.

"Fine.I'll take a break but first I need to finish this."

"Okay "- Scar said smiling.

At the same time Iskall came back from breakfast.
"Scar, Cub was looking for you"-Iskall said when they properly walked into the room.

"Okay. I'll be going now. See ya!"-Scar said and ran out straight to his and Cub's room. Jellie give a goodbye meow to the roommates and ran after her owner.


"You were looking for me?"-Scar said when he found Cub.

"Yes."He said, didn't takeing his eyes of the desk.
"I made a new upgraded communicator for you, since the last one was destroyed."He said handing it to Scar.

"Thanks, I'll test it in todays trening"
Scar replayed, smiling at the gift.
"But how exactly it's working?"
After quite laugh from Cub, he showed Scar how the communicator works.

Teaching how it works took Scar some time, when he finally managed to learn the basics, Jellie slept soundly on his bed.

Scar decided to join the cat , soon falling asleep as well.


When Scar woke up, it was sunset instead of the usual afternoon sun.
"Did I slept through the lunch?"- he thought, then looked at the clock.
"Yeah I definitely did"

"Jellie!"Scra call his cat but Jellie was nowhere to be see.
He looked for his roommate but he neither was seen too.

He walked out looking if someone is outside and maybe saw Jellie or Cub.
But there was no-one too.

Scar started getting a bad feeling about what could happen to his friends.
He wanted to return to his room for HotGuy bow, when he heard some voices coming from upstairs. To be more specific from the meeting room.

"O yeah we have a meeting today...I forgot about it..."
Scar went upstairs as fast as he could ,Scar know Xisuma doesn't like when someone is late to meeting especially if it was a planned meeting .


After Scar opened the meeting room doors, everyone were looking at him.
To his suprise even Mumbo was there.

"Scar good timeing, we were just talking about you."-Xisuma said with happy- angry voice.
Scar never learn how to read Xisumas emotions properly, maybe because X never used a lot emotions when he talk.

"Because some of us here have a different opinion. Maybe you can find a solution for this." X looked at Scar.
Scar felt more relaxed when X looked at him with the warm father eyes.

"Today Etho and Bdubs came back from their patrol with lots of wounds. Stress is taking care of them right now ."
Now Scar noticed that Etho, Bdubs and Stress weren't in the room.
"And I wanted to send you on a night patrol, so you maybe will find some information of what happened. So what do you think?"-Xisuma finished.

At first Scar didn't know what to say, he was on couple of night patrols but never alone.

"You don't need to agree if you don't want to go."-Keralis said from the end of the room.

"I want to go."-Scar said in the most confident voice he could do.

"Great. The mission will start at 12 pm till then you need to go and prepare. Meeting closed."And with this words people started coming out of the room.

"I count on you Scar."-X said before he walked out of the room.
Scar just smiled at the older hermit as a reply to his words.


When Scar was back at his floor he meet Mumbo, Cub and Jellie waiting for him in the kitchen.

"What were you thinking Scar!? You never was on patrol alone!"-Cub started.

"Someday it needs to be the first time."- Scar said in defence.

"It might be dangerous! What if something happened?!"-Cub said.
Scar didn't say anything, he know Cub is a really good friend but he is really too much protective of him.

Jellie only looked at her owner and she jumped on Cub's lap.

"Mumbo tell him something."
The other man didn't say anything since Scar arrived.

Mumbo look at his friend.
"Let him go. You can't stop him anyway.It was Scars decision to go to the patrol and I think he knows what he's agreed to."
After this words Mumbo left the room.

Scar looked at the direction where Mumbo left, not knowing what to say or think.
He heard some moving next to him.

"Where're you going?"

"I'm gonna prepare your stuff for the patrol."

Scar wasn't 100% sure if Cub actually wanted to prepare his stuff or just make sure he doesn't hurt himself on the patrol.
Regardless of the goal, Scar was happy that Cub wanted to help him prepare.
Scar smile inside and followed him friend to their room.

This is the end of the 1rst chapter i hope you like it next one will be the actual mission/ patrol

If you have any questions just ask.

Bye for now W

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