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It was the day, three months anniversary since Scar have died.

It was raining and very cloudy.

No-one of the Hermits went on patrol.

Neither of them wanted to do anything that day .

They tried to get over the event but it wasn't going really good.

And...the day was too depressing.


About 10 am, Mumbo was walking through the second floor looking through each window he walked by.

Why? He wasn't sure.

When he was looking through one of the windows, that have look on the front of the HQ ,he spotted  two people walking towards the base.

He didn't quite knew how did they manage to walked in the property.

But he decided to go down and meet the mysterious people.


When he finally reached the ground floor someone knocked at the front doors.

"It must be them." He thought and went open the door.

But there was only one person.

"Hello uh... young man?. Could you maybe let me in? I don't want to get wet."
The person said. He sounded like he was in Mumbo's age or so.

He wore a dark fancy carmine coat and hat in the same colour, that hat  cowerd his face.
He also had a metal cane.

"I uh sure?"

The man smile in return.


They stood in akward silence.

Mumbo sent to Xisuma message about the misterius visitor .
But X hasn't read it yet.

" Something is bothering you."

Mumbo wasn't expecting the man to starting a conversation.

"I'm sorry,?what are you talking about?"

"I can see that something is bothering you."

"It's nothing..."

"Take this. It's a magic crystal. It can make your wishes come true."

Mumbo wasn't sure what he was supposed to do but he took the gift.

"Uh thank you.?"

Then it hit him he never asked the man about his name.

"What's your name?"

"Oh! It's not important now. You need to tell your wish first."

He was so confused but he do exactly what the person told him to.

"No you need to say your wish loud."

"But didn't it work in -"

"No that's a special crystal it works different." The person said with convince.

For some reason when the man said it like this for a while he imagined that was Scar , who started arguing about silly things. Just like the old times.

The old good times...

He got a deep breath and said the wish.

"I would want to see my friends again... I hope they'll forgive me for failing as their friend."

After he said that, there was silence for a while, and then this person spoke.

"Oh ...Mumbo you never failed me! You just sometimes too overprotecting."

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