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The punch broke Xelquas mask.

He saw the tears in Hotguys eyes.

"Grian?"- HotGuy said after a while, looking at his opponent.

He stand now knowing what to do.

The memory he tried to forget...
Hit him

The person he had tried to k¡ll a few minutes ago, turned out to be a childhood friend he thought he would never see again.

"S..Scar..?" He felt his eyes started watering.

"It's nice to see you again."Scar said weakly, giving him a smile Grian couldn't forgot.

"I'm.. I'm so so sorry Scar" He looked at his old friend.

"It's ... It's okay.."Scar used his magic to stop the bleeding .

Grian has looked at him for the entire time.
There was something that he couldn't figure out .

"Why ...Why you not mad?!
I tried to k¡ll you!...I've nearly k¡lled you! And you act like nothing had happened!
He started to cry a lot more.
Grian couldn't understand why Scar just acted like that.

"Because you're my friend...and o don't want to lose you again..." He answered quietly...

Grian looked at him
"Oh Scar ... I didn't... I'm sorry..."

Scar hugged him.
"It's alright... You don't have to apologize... You didn't know and nether did I."

Grian enjoyed the hug, he couldn't remember when was the last time he felt like that.

He felt important...

He felt needed...

They stayed like this for couple more minutes.

Until Grian saw some people not far away from them.

The Heros...

"Scar...I don't want to ruin the moment but I think your teammates are looking for you."


He showed him where the people were.

"They were faster than I thought..."he mumbled.

"Can I stay with you?''

"What?! "As much as Grian wanted Scar to stay with him, he knew he couldn't let him.
''No you're hurt! And I can't heal you. You need to go back."

"But I don't wanna go back... I ..."

"I know you don't want to separate again and nether do I.
But someone needs to cure you... someone who is able to do it."

Scar looked at him with sadness in eyes and understanding on face. Grian knowed exactly what he feels.

He looked at the crystal Scar still had.

"Can I take it for a moment."he pointed at the purple stone.

"Sure?"Scar said confused and give it to him.

Grian took it and broke it into two fragments.

"Take one of them and I'll take the other one."

Scar do as he was told to.

"Now we'll find eachothers.''Grian said.
"It's like a compass. It points towards the other fragment." He explained.

Scar looked at him with happiness in eyes.
"Thank you G!"He hugged him.

Grian reply with smile.

"I'll go now. See you soon Hotguy."
And with this words Grian left his friend alone.

He stayed not far, till the heros find and took Scar.
And then he went back to his house in woods.


After that night he became a traitor of the Watchers.

But it didn't bother him.

He started to live a new life.

Became a new himself.

That's what he wanted him to be

And Grian finally understood his last words .

''I hope you'll find what you lost that day...''

Although he still had some of the watcher magic , his wings started to lose the purple colour and become more like parrot wings.

He thoughts maybe this was the true form of his power.

He began to think about applying for some kind of job but so far he hasn't found anything interesting.

He also built a separate room in his house if Scar wanted to visit him and/or stay in his house (which was almost finished). A little more decorations was needed.

He spent nearly a whole week working on the room...

He never thought that much could change in a week...
Or to be more specific in the day he finally found the things he lost long time ago .


Grian finally finished.

When he was on the break some knock on the door.

He went to open them.
As soon as the door opened, he saw crying Scar with a grey- white cat next to him.

"O my... Scar what happened!''

He didn't say anything...
"Do you want to talk about it inside? I think I have some chocolate chip cookies."

Scar shake his head 'yes' and walked with the cat inside the house.


They were sitting in the kitchen- living room.

Grian brought some cookies and milk to make Scar feel better.

"So can you tell me what happened?"

Nothing... Scar starred at the cookie he was holding.

"You don't need to tell me now if you don't want to ."

Scar looked at him ...

"It's not that I don't want to tell you.... it's I don't know how to tell you this..."


Grian couldn't find anything good to say, he starred at Scar .

" The cat... I assume it's yours"
He finally said , trying to change the topic.

Scar sad face become more happy and calm when Grian mentioned his cat.

"Oh yes. I forgot to introduce her to you."

He took the cat from his laps.

"Jellie this is Grian.Grian this is Jellie."

"Hi Jellie."


"I think she likes you."

Grian give a calmly smile, he was glad to see Scar in better mood.

Grian took Jellie and started petting her.

Scar looked at him.

"Grian...I got into an argument with my friends...
I wanted to get away from them for some time and... I thought if you could let me stay here for couple of days...If you want..."

Grian stopped petting the cat .

"Of course you can stay as long as you want Scar."

He tried to not sound as exited as he was. He really wanted to spend time with Scar after all this years even if the situation he comes to his wasn't the best.

"Thank you again G. And Im sorry to bother you again."

"You don't have to be sorry."

"And look who's saying this."

Grian looked at his friend and they both started laughing.

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