11. Grian

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Tw:. Blood, pain, beating, abuse, broken bones , manipulation,

Grian was in dark wet stone cell, waiting for his execution.

He was ready ... He always was..

But he didn't want to leave Scar...

He couldn't leave Scar ...

He didn't want him to end up here...

Scar was supposed to never be here...

It was his destiny not Scars...

He wanted to save him but he failed again.

He tried to believe that he could change...

He believed he can be happy again...


Earlier that day

-6:30 am-

Someone knocked at the door.

It was odd ,that someone were knocking at the door so early.

Grian ignored the knock and feel sleep.

Not long after, someone knocked again.

This time Scar went to open the door, Grian wanted to stop him but it was to late.

As soon as Scar opened the door.
He was knocked back and landed on the wall.

A winged creature walked inside.

"Well look who's here!''
The person said walking towards him.

They came...
They came to take him...

They came to take him away from him happiness... again...

"Did you really thought you can hide from me?"

Grian standed like a solid statue.
He wanted to check how's Scar but he couldn't move.
His body was paralyzed.

" Now let's talk."
They walked even closer.

"Where's the crystal?"

"I..d... don't.. have it."

He was hit by the Watcher.

"I know you have it.
Don't lie to me Xelqua!"

First they lifted him until he began to suffocate
They thrown him against the wall like a toy.

Grian hit his head on the coffee table.
He felt like hot blood started falling down on his face

He tried to stand up but he couldn't.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"
Scar yelled trying to hit the Watcher but with no results .

They stopped the incoming attack.
In return shooting Scar with crystal arrows that went right through his body.

Scar failed on the floor, losing consciousness .

"Scar!!!" Grian tried to ran to him but as soon as he made the first move

The Watcher went back to neutral him.
They made sure that he couldn't move.
Then they've broken his wings.

The pain of brocken bones went  through his body.

He screamed from the pain .

He felt tears coming down on his cheeks.

"This is music to me ears. But you need to wait a bit more."
They said with happiness in their voice.

They made some kind of sign using purple fireworks and suddenly  four watcher soliders came inside.

"Take him and the other too.
He'll be grate suprise for the event."
The Watcher said to them and then turn to Grian.

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