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"How did that happened?"
Mumbo asked himself.

Scar was gone and no-one couldn't do anything about it.

Maybe if he and Cub wouldn't started it nothing would have happened.


Couple hours earlier....

Scar had returned from the hospital room two days ago.

Mumbo wanted to talk to him but Scar hasn't talked with anyone except Xisuma since he came back.

Last time when he actually has seen him talking, was when he came to the room where Scar was lying.

He, Cub and Suma came to see how's Scar doing.
At first Mumbo thought Xisuma will give Scar another speech but he said something about being happy that Scar is all right and safe.

And since then Mumbo tried to talk to him.

Cub told him that Scar didn't want to talk to anyone.
And because Cub is Cub ,he didn't question his friend will.

They both worried about their friend.

Cub was sure that Scar will sooner or later told them what happened.
But Mumbo couldn't wait, he was to worried for Scars safe.

"What is something or someone is trying to k¡ll him?! I can't just wait."

"If Scar doesn't want to talk we can't do anything about it.
We need to wait even if it isn't the best thing it's the best solution."

"I won't wait... Later it could be too late."


After lunch Mumbo decided to try and get from Scar some information.

He went to his room.

Cub wasn't there.
He was out probably in the lab or making another game room.

This was Mumbo's chance.

He went to where Scar was.

He standed in the door frame and started talking to get his friend attention.

Scar didn't respond or even look at his friend.

"Scar I know you hear me."


"I just want to know if everything is alright."

"As you can see I'm fine, now you can leave me alone..." Scar said quietly, still not looking at Mumbo.

"You acting really weird since you came back from ... I don't know what to name it?
From your sneaking out ?"

"I ...I went for a walk...''

"A walk. Which you came nearly dead."-Mumbo added.

"Why you didn't told anyone what happened?
Did someone attacked you?
You can tell me I'm your friend after all."

Scar didn't say anything, he looked at the floor.

Mumbo knew he was hiding something.

"Who was in it?"

"What?.."Scar looked at him with shock and fear in eyes.

"Who hurt you.''

"No one it was an acident"

Mumbo walked closer to him.
"You can't lie to me Scar, I know you too well."
Scar flinch.

"I just want to help you."

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