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The day went pretty quick for Scar .

He spent all the time thinking what he could take to be more prepared for his revenge and tracking Watchers.

Also he tried to come out with a plan how to do it.

Scar still had the purple crystal from the last patrol, he hasn't told anyone what he had found yet.

Maybe he could do use it for some kind of trap or something.

He spent all day in his room or maybe it was actually 2 day?
Scar lost track of time.


"Scar are you here?"

Scar put the crystal he hold in hand into his pocket and went to open the door.

"Oh?! Hello there X. Do you need something?" Scar tried to sound as unsuspicious as he could.

"Yes actually. I know I grounded you and maybe I ... Anyway you were in your room for a whole week. "

Week he spent a week in his room?!
But he felt like the Xisuma-father talk was just yesterday .

"You know I banned you from going out on patrols not out of your room."

"Umm..." That's all he said. Scar tried to think about some good excuse but...he wasn't good at lieing.

"Eh... I'll leave you but go outside today okay?"

"Okay Dad.. I mean X."

Xisuma didn't say anything he smiled and left the room.

Scar didn't want to worry X again.
He decided to leave his room finally.

He thought if Suma see that he go out he won't come again later.

Scar wanted to go on night patrol but to go he needs to make sure no-one sees him leaving the building or his room.

He knew the Hermits will worry about him again and Scar didn't wanted it .


He was walking through one of the hallways but he didn't see anyone there.

That was a little suspicious.

Scar was looking for someone, for a couple of minutes till he heard someone's voices maybe even a conversation coming from the meeting room.

Scar felt left out...

Why didn't they tell him there was a meeting today.

Have they forget about him?

Was it because he hadn't left his room a week?

Why Xisuma didn't say anything when he visited him earlier.

His sadness turned to anger.

He waited till the sun went down...

The plan he made was only excuse of his leaving...

Scar wanted to found out how long will it take the Hermits to noticed he left.

He left his communicator on his desk and he left the room using his window.


He was flying not knowing where but he didn't bother to think about it.

Scar couldn't remember when was the last time he used his vex wings to fly.

Scar flown away from the city...

He needed a quiet place to take a break...

Place where the Hermits won't look...

A place like...

The Forest


Before Scar reached the place, he take a break on nearest roof...

Not long after he stopped there...

He got shot from behind...

He felt sharp pain in his left arm...

A purple sharp knife looking crystal went through his arm.

"Look who came alone on night like this." Something said behind him.

"Who are you?" Scar looked at the purple winged creature behind him.

"Who am I?"The creature started laughing."You the greatest hero Hotguy. How could you not recognise a Watcher."

" It's not what.... What's your name?"

The Watcher was shocked about the question Scar ask or he just think what to say.

The creature was silent for a moment then said:
"Xelqua...My name is Xelqua."

"Well Xelqua I hope you ready for you end! I'll kill you and get revenge for the all things the Watchers do to me and my friends!" Scar said taking his bow.

"I'm sorry to say this but you will be the one that will die.

I need the crystal and I know you have it."

"If you want the crystal then come and take it if you can."

Xelqua attacked Hotguy with another 3 crystal knifes.
One of them hit his leg, Scar managed to dodged from the other two.

He fired some arrows at the opponent.

But Xelqua bounced them back to Hotguy, giving the arrows some poison.

Scar rolled away from the place where the arrows where support to land.

Scar tried to shot Xelqua using his vex crystals but it do nothing to the Watcher.

"Your magic is useless.
I'll show you the real magic!"

Xelqua said making a long sharp crystal.
He thrown it at Scar.

Hotguy thired to run away but something was holding him in place.

The crystal whent right through him...

He felt the hot blood coming out from the hole in his stomach...

Xelqua made a few more of the crystals and shot him once more.

Scar felt so weak...

He couldn't stood up..

He saw the blood surrounding him...

He wanted to give up... but he couldn't just die like that.

He made a bigger sharp blue crystal wall things that made some damage to Xelqua.

In responde Xelqua used his magic to made purple mist that surrounded Hotguy.

He couldn't breathe...

When he almost fainted the fog disappeared.

He pretended to be dead. He didn't want the Watcher to see that he survived.
Honestly he was suprised to still be alive.

The Watcher come closer to him.
"I thought it wasn't enough to kill you but maybe I was wrong."

"Let's see where you hide the crystal"

He looked at Scar
"Oh there it is !"

Scar know this was his last chance to defend himself.

As soon as Xelqua put his hand in Hotguy pocket.

Scar punch the Watcher whit all of his strength...

He hit the mask

There was a quiet crack sound...


Scar looked at his opponent.

He couldn't believe his eyes...
He felt the tear falling down on his checks.

Everything he has done till now, stopped matter...

The person he missed the most in his life was alive!

Fighting The Past | Hermitcraft Hero/Super Powers Au 1/2|Where stories live. Discover now