10. Pearl

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*Two hours before the start of the last chapter .

The HermitsHQ/Hermits-tower*

"Let's start this meeting with the most important topic." X started.

" Most of you know that Scar went missing three days ago ...

We agreed if he doesn't come back till today, we'll go search for him."

"Wels will tell you everything you need to know about the searching plan."

"Me and X made a list of people that will come and look for Scar. Who's not on it will stay and wait if maybe he will came back."

Wels said, he took the list and start reading it.

"So Etho, Bdubs,Cub, Pearl, Impulse, myself, False,Iskall,Gem,Ren and Doc will search for Scar.Rest of you are staying here.
We will search groups of one to two people. If anyone finds anything, they must immediately notify me or X. This applies not only to those who go searching, but also to those who stay

That's all."


Pearl went alone, she was walking for some time now.

She wasn't sure if anyone will find Scar.
She hoped that he was okey.

Pearl looked at the forest near by.
She didn't see anyone going into this direction, but she felt like she had to go there.

She walked through the thick forest, not seeing where she was going.

Suddenly she fell into some bushes, making some noises.

A short while later,someone came.

It was a short male, he had dark blonde hair and crimson-red sweater.
But the thing she couldn't take her eyes of, was a pair of light purple wings.

He was ready to attack her.

Pearl felt like she won't get from this situation alive.

She was a traitor... They wanted her death .

Then she saw a familiar face.



"You know them?" The person asked and deactivate his powers.

"Yes.Pearl is one of my friends."

Scar started talking to the boy.
Pearl didn't listen to their conversation, she couldn't believe she found Scar and that he managed to best-friended a Watcher.

When that person left, Pearl thought it was a good time to talk.

"Who was that?"

"it's Grian he's my friend ."

"Isn't he a wa-"

"He technically is but at the same time nol? He's just like you. Traitor for them friend for me."

"..."Pearl just stared at him , she couldn't find a word to what Scar just said, so she decided to change the topic.

"Um...Anyway everyone are worried about you especially Cub and Mumbo.
X sent some of us to look for you and take you home."

"I don't know if I want to come back..."

"I understand... It's... I..We just want you to be safe.

Scar didn't reply to her .

Pearl saw him emotions mixing in his head.

"Can I talk to your friend, maybe if I'll know him more I'll try to convince Xisuma to allow him to stay at our base."

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