12. Scar

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Scar didn't know where he was or how he got here.

Last thing he remembered was attacking a weird looking Watcher.

Did they take him to their base?

Where's Grian?

Did they took him too?

What will now happened to him?

He asked himself with all of those and more questions.

Scar hope Grian was okay, he couldn't lose him again...

He thoughts about everything that could have happened, till someone came to his cell thing.

"O! You had woken up already?
That's not good...
Ehh... You need to wait little longer, the execution is starting in 3-4 hours..."

Scar didn't understand who this person was or what he was talking about.

He sat in dark corner listening to the person.

"You so quiet for person that literally was kidnapped... Or you arledy dead..."

They steared at him for couple of minutes.
They sighed and left the room.

And as soon as the person left, Scar let breath he was holding.

He was wondering if the playing dead plan actually worked.
But it wasn't that important right now, his priority was to get out of the cell, finding Grian and returning home.

And there's when the first problem came. How the heck can you broke out of a magic cell.

He tried to break the bars using his crystals but with no success.

Scar also tried to go through the wall but each time he managed to escape he was returning to the cell.


Some time later Scar was laying on the cold concrete floor.
He was so exhausted

He wanted to try once more, maybe  this time he'll manage to get out but suddenly he heard someone coming.

It was the same creature from before.

"So you weren't dead. Oh!I've already told my Majesty that you're dead!"

They pulled Scar out of the cell.

"Well I think we always can change it!"

They summoned a big boll of light, preparing to throw it at Scar.

One of his problems was solved but another poped out...

How he was supposed to leave now?

He couldn't win against Grian and this Watcher was more powerful than him.

Scar didn't want it to end like this...

Not saying goodbye to anyone...

But he had to accept his fate...

He closed his eyes waiting for the final attack.

But it never came, something nearby had blow up.

Unexpected he fell on the floor next to body of the Watcher.


He saw his cat and Cub standing in the corner of the room.

He stod up and ran to hug his friends.

"Scar never scare me like that again Never...
I was so worried.."

"I'm glad to see you too.''

They enjoyed the hug for couple more seconds.

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