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X couldn't sleep, each time he felt asleep he woke up some minutes later.
He had a bad feeling but he wasn't sure about what.

When he was sitting on his bed trying to figure out from where or who the felling came.
Someone knocked at his door.

He walked and opened the door.
Stress was standing there. She looked really exhausted.

"I'm sorry for waking you up so early."She said.

"No worries I wasn't sleeping at all."

She looked at him with little worried face.
"Anyway, they finally worked up."

X didn't reply to her and immediately after she said it, he went straight to the hospital room .


Xisuma walked into the room.
He looked at the beds where the hermits were laying.

"Hey X."Etho said when he saw the admin.

"Bdub's still sleeping? Stress told me both of you woke up."

"We woke up but he fall asleep as soon as he saw it was still night."

"That's a really Bdubs thing to do."-X said looking at the sleeping man.

"Anyway. I actually came here to get some information about what happened to you yesterday. I also sent Scar on patrol to look for evidence connected to your mission."

"Scar went on a night patrol alone?"


Ethos face went blank. He looked scared?

And then it hit X.
He opened the tab of his communicator and tried to contact Scar.

"Sc-Hotguy! Where are you?!"

No answer.

"Scar is in danger...and it's my fault..."

"I'm sure he'll be fine X. It's Scar after all."- Etho said to make Xisuma feel better but it was more like he tried convince himself to believe nothing will happen to Scar.

Couple minutes later they get reply.

''X! Can you hear me?"- It was Scar's voice. He sounded tired.

Then something blowed up.

"Scar?!"-He and Etho said in the same time.

No reply... nothing.
They didn't want to assume the worst.

"I need to find him."

"I'm coming with you."


"No buts X , Scar is our friend and we need to find him before rest found out what happened."


They were halfway to Scar.

X left a note for the Hermits before he and Etho left. He didn't want them to worry.

As they walked, Etho suddenly stopped.

"Umm...X you need to see this."

The admin looked in the direction the other man was looking.

There was smoke and fire.
It looked like someone had set the building on fire or something had just exploded.

This was the place where Scar was.

They both looked at each other and they run towards the fire.


They reached to the destroyed building.
The floating ashe was mixed with the smoke, making a gray curtain around the place.

"We need to split up and hope to find Scar."-Etho said, not taking his eyes of the burning place.

"Right...I'm gonna search the left side."-Said X.

"And I'm gonna take the inside." Etho said and some seconds later there appear an ice path straight into the building.

"If I find something, I'll let you know."With this words Etho left Xisuma alone.

They started searching...

Thankfully it didn't take long to find Scar.

X found him laying under ruins of collapsed wall or that's what he thought.

"Scar!"-He yelled and run towards the body.

When he was really close, he saw that nothing was laing on Scar but he was surrounded by fragments of wall and other things.

Xisuma didn't question it.He was glad Scar was okay.

The take out his communicator.

"I found him."

"I'll be there in second."

Now he needed to wait for Etho and return to their base with Scar.

Little did he know someone was watching him.


The three men reached the doors of their base.

X and Etho tried to as quite as they could go inside and try to transport Scar to the hospital room.

But as soon as they entered.
They saw half of their team walking in all directions, stressed and anxious.

Their plan of quite transporting Scar was ruined.

"X!"-Stress saw him. She initially went where he was.

"What happened? Oh my... Scar!"

"He's okay. He just fainted out.
Can you help Etho take Scar to healing room, I need to take care of the rest."

"Of course."

X left them and went where the others were.

"Ehem."-He tried to get others attention.

... Nothing...

"Guys."He tried again


And again

The hermits stopped whatever they were doing and looked at their admin/leader.

"Thank you. Now can someone tell me what is going on here?''

"Umm... We ...."-Pearl started but she didn't exactly knowed what to say.

"We're worried."-Zed said.

"Yeah you and Etho just left in the middle of the night."-Doc added.

"You can left without saying anything or telling anyone."-this time Ren spoken

"It's your words X."-Keralis said looking at his roommate.

"No on had read the note I left?''

The Hermits just looked at eachother.

For some reason Xisuma couldn't find any words he could say in this situation.
He knew they were right, he could have told someone  because apparently no-one thought about reading the note he left.

He started thinking if he's really that good to be the head of the Hermits.

In past he failed as brother...now he didn't want to fail as a leader to...

"Listen I'm sorry...I should've told you but I tried to avoid situation like this one..."

"It's okay everyone makes mistakes, even leaders.
And it's our fault too because we should have thought about looking for some notes you might have left."-Pearl said exactly what he needed to hear. It's just like she could read his mind.

"We know you're trying your best to take care of us."-Cleo started.

"Even if sometimes is really hard to do it."-She looked at some of the hermits.

X looked at them with warm in his heart .
"I think it's time to tell you what happened..."

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