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They came for him...

He knew he failed that mission...

He was dead because of him ...

He was prepared for anything even his own death...

While ago he made a mistake...
He wanted to live.
He was just a little kid that was afraid of death ...

He won't make the same mistake  again...

Not  only for himself but for them too...


They dragged him out of the small cell.
He'll miss this place, not matter if it wasn't very comfort place.
After all he spent some time in there.

The wardens took him to the justice room.
He knew he won't see the place again after he'll enter the room.

They entered...

The end started...


"Xelqua."The voice of Head Watcher echoed throughout the room.

"You are accused of failing mission and letting your partner die."

"Do you want to say anything in your defence."

Xelqua didn't say anything.He knew it wouldn't change anything.

Normally we would punished you but we need someone for special job and we thought you'll be the ideal person for it."

"I'm sure you okay with it...you don't really have other options."They said looking at the weaker watcher.

"Let's talk about the important stuff."

"Today we were attacked... Our soliders defeated the opponent but they lost a special crystal.
They haven't contact with us since then.
Your job is finding that crystal and bringing it back.
I don't care how you do it.
You have time till the purple moon.''
The Head Watcher said and walked to the out door.

"One more thing if you complete the mission your mistake will be forgotten and your reputation will return to you.
But if you won't finish this mission, we'll k¡ll you."

"Take him to the armour room."-With these words they left the room.
As the Head Watcher wished Xelqua was transported to the armory.

He got half of an hour to prepare and leave the Watchers sanctuary/ base.

He took his important stuff with him and left.


Xelqua was walking near the old dark forest. He didn't even tried to look for the crystal.
He knew even if he find it as soon as the Head Watcher get or not get what they want, he will be k¡lled.

When he was walking and thinking, he saw a smoke.
He flew into direction where it came from .

He saw a man running away from building on fire.

It was Hotguy...one of the heroes.

Xelqua never really understand the idea of the heroes group in the town.The Watchers were the ones who protected the city, these 'heroes' just got in their way. Whenever the heros appears, the ideal city become a mess.

He got lost in his thoughts but a unexpected explosion brought him back to reality.

He looked at the hero, the explosion blast hit him.

Xelqua stood in the dark looking at the event, he wanted to leave the place and forgot about what he just saw but something couldn't let him.

Then he heard it ...

"Scar!"-someone yelled through the hero's communicator.

He swore he had heard that name before but he couldn't remember when.

In last second Xelqua used his magic to protect the man from all the ruins that fall at him for the explosion.

When the dust settles down, Xelqua come closer and looked at the little weak hero.

He didn't exactly know why he saved the hero...

Maybe he saved him because of the mysterious name he had or because he didn't want to see anyone else die in front of his eyes...

Just like him ...

Not long after he saved the hero he saw someone coming so he left before anyone spot him.


He stopped on roof of one of the nearest building.

Looked at the place where he left the hero.

He got weird felling he couldn't explain it but maybe it was the thing worthy living for.

Xelqua could return to the Watchers sanctuary.

There was still a chance.

He now knows who have a crystal, he just need to stole it from them.


Some time passed.

Xelqua managed to make little hiding house in the woods.

He was searching for the crystal for some time without any results.

Till something changed

He opened his tab.

He looked at the crystal location.

It was moving ...

This was his chances...

The hero was alone or at least far away from the others.

Xelqua opened the localisations on his upgraded comunicator  and went for the target.


He were flying through the cold night air, not taking his eyes of the locator.
He enjoyed flying but it wasn't  important right now.,

He needed to stole the crystal and return it to the Watchers.

He flew like that for couple more minutes, till he saw him.

Hotguy ...

He was alone ...

This was the moment...

The only chance to fight the unsuspecting hero...

Now Xelqua finally understand why he helped him that day...

To personally k¡ll him...and take what belongs to the Watchers.

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