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Scar spent three days at Grian house.

He didn't think once of coming back to Hermits for the entire time.

They both told each other they stories from after the split up.
Grian told Scar about friend he lost, his sentence of death and much more.

Scar thought he had a lot of trauma from past but Grian have twice more than him.

"You know everyone think that I let him die but the truth is that he killed himself...

I tried to stop him but it was too late..."

"Before he left he said"I hope you'll find what you lost that day... because I didn't have that chance."
I think I made his will true. I found you Scar...
I'm glad I found you...
And that you forgive me..."

Grian gave him a shy smile.
Scar hug him and Grian started crying.

"Hey it's okay. This time I'm with you."

"I won't leave you alone again Scar. No matter what will happen... I won't lose any other friend of mine."

"I'm sure you won't leave me G."

They stayed in the hug  for someone time.


Later when Grian calmed down,Scar got an idea.

"What do you think about going on a walk?"

"I ...Sure?"

"Give me a second and we can go."

Scar ran to the kitchen, he took some food from the cupboard. He tried to look for some kind of basket but he only found a not big carton box.

''It's better than nothing."

Then he took blanket that was laying on the couch and went outside where Grian was waiting with Jellie.

"I thought it was supposed to be awalk but I think I was wrong."

"I mean, we haven't had a picnic for like 15 year, right?''

"Yep. You right."

They left surrounded by their own laugh and went straight into the woods.

They stopped when they reached a nice looking place for  picnic.

It wasn't really far from the house.

"So what do you think?"

"It's looking gorgeous! How did you find this place?"

"Oh I got lost when I first came to you and I found this field by an accident."

"It sounds definitely like you would do this."

Grian started laughing again soon joined by Scar.

Scar put the blanket on the grass and then he put the box with food on it.

"Let's eat!"


Not long after they started eating, Jellie hear something in bushes nearby.

She meowed and ran to Scar.

"Did you hear something Jellie?"


"G can you check what's there?''


Grian wings turned light purple.
He stood up and went in the direction of the noise.

Scar went right after him to make sure nothing bad will happen.
Not only to Grian but also to the noise maker .

In the bushes...
There was someone.

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