Anubis Cortez

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I hated seeing my sister like this, hooked up to machines that are essentially living for her. She can't even properly oxygenate her own blood. She needs a stupid ass machine to do it for her. She's so weak. So helpless. And all I can do is sit here and watch her suffer. I'm useless, worthless. I'm like a rock, not being able to do anything but sit here. How do I go from holding human lives in my hand to being utterly incompetent when it matters the most? I had to sit here next to her while she laid on that bed, so close to death's door.
The soft sighs of the equipment filled the otherwise silent room. How is it so loud in my head but so quiet outside?
"Lavender! How are you feeling, sweet girl?"
She took a deep breath and smiled.
"Sadly, I didn't die yesterday, hopefully today is my day. How are you, big brother?"
I'm not doing enough. I'm worthless.
"Oh you know, same old same old. I missed you a lot so I had to come see you before I headed home for dinner."
"What'd Uncle Cory make? Wait, let me guess spaghetti?"
"I'm not sure, I didn't ask. It's something good though, it always is."
"You're kind of a bad boyfriend."
I laughed uncomfortably, "What makes you say that" She cocked her eyebrow and lowered her chin.
"When was the last time you showed up to dinner on time?"
"Well I-" I started
"How about this, when was the last time you called first."
"Friday" I glared at Lavender, hoping to shut her up with my glare.
"It's Tuesday" she deadpanned. I sighed,
"I'm a busy person, and Cory gets that. It's not always black and white when you're in my line of work."
She lit up at the thought of my work, it's rare that I talked about it.
She lowered her voice, I had to read her lips to understand what she said,
"You mean killing people?"
I nodded, and stood up
"Speaking of missing dinner, I've got to go."
I kissed her forehead and ruffled the mangled hair on the top of her head. Her nurse usually combed it for her, I wonder why they hadn't already.
"Bye Anubis! Hope you don't die on your way home!"
"Thanks kiddo."
I walked out of the room, and on my way out, passed Lavender's favorite nurse. It was late, and they looked tired, so I just gave a small smile, and nodded their way.

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