Cory Lewis

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The sound of my alarm woke me up. I stretched and felt for Anubis, but all there was was an empty bed. I got up, put on my uniform and ate breakfast. Anubis would usually eat breakfast with me. It wasn't common that he'd leave this early in the morning. I finished getting ready and headed out the door.
As I waited for a call from dispatch, I thought about the first time I rode in an ambulance. My dad had a heart attack when I was 17 and I was the only one around to call 911.
I watched as my dad clutched his heart, falling to the ground. I watched as he slowly lost consciousness. I thought he had died. The ambulance arrived and the EMTs lifted him onto the gurney, defibrillators ready. All I could do was sit and watch as one EMT gave him CPR while the other checked his vitals.
"Clear!" One yelled, pushing the defibrillator to my dad's chest.
I was sobbing at that point, inconsolable. I didn't know how to help. All I could do was sit and watch the events unfold.
"Clear!" He yelled again.
This time the zap worked and my dad's eyes shot open.
As traumatizing as it was to see my dad so close to death, it inspired me every day to work endless hours, saving lives. That's how I met Anubis. He said he was in the woods hunting when he fell on his knife. I now realize what really happened. He was doing his job. Killing. His victim most likely fought back and stabbed him. I try not to worry, but it's hard not to when your boyfriend is a hitman.

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