Skylr Nork

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As I pulled up to the hospital, I sighed. Pressing my head against the steering wheel, I checked my phone. No new messages. I stepped out of the car, wondering how long it would take for him to dump that garbage boy. I checked in a few minutes late. I've never done that before. Oh well, soon it would all be over. I started my check ins with all of my patients. I walked into Lavender's room with a forced cheery voice,
"Hey Lav!" I called.
She was crying; A lot. What happened? Who hurt her? She's so precious. I walked up to the edge of her bed and sat.
"Need to talk or just a hug?" I said, trying not to sound worried.
"I HATE ANUBIS!" She screamed through sobs. I offered my hands out and she fell into them crying. I brushed her hair through my fingers and hummed. She slowly calmed down and began to open up. It's not the first time this had happened before, when she first came here she was like this, I was the first person she opened up to. I'm so lucky!
"He tried to kill Cory, it's all my fault. If I wasn't so sick he wouldn't need to hurt him."
Does she care about that sick bastard? He's so worthless, so ugly, so poor, so dumb. So why even care for him.
"It's not your fault Lavender. You can't control if you're sick or not." I did my best to sound like I cared for a piece of trash, I really didn't.
"If I would just die already, he could save so much money."
I kissed her forehead, she should know it's not her fault.
"It's because of Cory," I muttered under my breath.
"What?" She looked up at me, as if those words could upset her.
"Nothing Lav, is there anything I can do for you?"
"No," She answered.
I left, ready to take out the trash.

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