part one - the start

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I shoved the tree branch out of my face to reveal a small gas station surrounded with drones. I groaned, pulling off the backpack I was carrying. My name is Yn Smith, I was a somewhat normal 19 year old before all this. I took out a bottle filled with water and chugged it before heading into the warzone.

( For this book we'll use a lot of Twd references such as Walkers, places to stay, scenes, characteristics. If you don't like it as it is I suggest you cease your reading and kindly find another book.)


3 days, we've been held up in this vile smelling gas station for 3 whole days. We've taken most of the food and supplies but as soon as we were set to go a horde of walkers came through. some of them stuck around, trapping us in. About a dozen or so.

It was late afternoon, we should start planning a way out. Me, Camila and Dinah stood near the entrance of the shop, hidden behind a big cardboard poster in the window. I was trying to plan a way out. Maybe make a run for it, but with all the stuff we've got it'll be hard-

My train of thoughts were cut short by a low grunt and a cracking sound. Upon looking out from behind the cardboard I saw a woman, her skin was a olive brown colour, brown shoulder length hair tied in a messy bun. She was hacking and slashing at the walkers outside, blood splattering all over the ground and her face. Her eyes were directed straight at the door as she sliced through the last Walker's skull.

We instantly dashed behind the counter, where ally and Mani was. We told them to be quite and not move. The bell on the door chimed, something heavy was dropped onto the floor and then rustling began. I was getting curious to who was in the store with us so I tried peaking over the till but as I came up my fingers caused a pen to start rolling. I tried to grab it, making more ruckus but the pen still fell onto the floor on the opposite side. The stranger instantly grabbed a gun from a holster in her belt and pointed it right at me. I finally saw her face up close, she had bright oceanic blue eyes and full lips.

I backed away and got back into the huddle the other girls formed as she came closer. She pointed the gun at us all as she rounded the corner. I looked at her, frightened, she seemed like she was thinking for a second then she lowered her gun and put it back in her holster. She turned back around and continued to rummage through the remaining supplies scattered on the floor and shelves. Dinah motioned for us to stay still as she started standing, " what do you want?" Dinah said, her voice trembling slightly but she held her fearless act high. The girl slowly turned back to us, a deadpan look on her face, " Nothin but supplies. Ain't want no trouble." Her voice was raspy, as if she hadn't talked in days. " So you won't hurt us?" I questioned from behind Dinah. Once again she stopped and looked up as if thinking. " Not if I don't have to." She said shoving some cans into the black backpack she had. I stood up fully as she walked to the back of the store, near the fridges. " Will you help us? We don't know how to kill those walker outside. You do." I said, motioning to the machete hanging from her belt. She thought for a second, then opened the fridge and started grabbing the bottles of water and canned beverages. Those, too, went into her bag. " Na." She shook her head and walked towards the hardware section. Some locks or screws were all that's left. " What, so you'll just leave a couple of girls to die?" Dinah got defensive from behind me.

The comment made the girl stop and turn to us. Her face was twisted sourly. " You got any weapons?" She asked. Ally took out the revolver she had, it was her father's. She took it when I called her to come over so we could wait this thing out, turns out waiting won't help. " It's got 2 bullets left." Ally said offering it to the girl. " Knives? Swords?" She questioned as she examined the gun. Dinah had a hand sized pocket knife, Mani had her trusty kitchen knife. Not ever used on one of those things.

The girl handed the gun back to ally, pulling a few medium sized knives. She held them out to us, allowing us to take one each. " Now, before I do anything else. Y'all gotta answer 3 questions." She said looking at us seriously. I nodded for her to go ahead and ask the questions.

She seemed to think about something, her eyebrows knitting together. She soon relaxed and gave us all a look. Asking the first question.

" How many walkers have you killed?" She asked, we looked at one another.

" Two." Ally said softly. Frowning.

" Hmm, how many people have you killed?" Our heads snapped up. Eyes wide.

" None, wh..." Mani was cut short by her final question.

" Why?"

I shook my head and spoke up, " everyone has a right to live, who are we to take away that right." I said. She looked at me for a few seconds before extending her hand towards us.

" Im Yn Smith."


And there it is, as always. If you have any suggestions or tips for the book or my writing in general don't hesitate to let me know. Hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed planning it.

Have a great day/ night.


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