part sixteen - rings

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It was the next morning and me and Dinah were first to wake. I sat next to her while enjoying my coffee, " hey I got a plan for today. Before we start working." I suggested. She hummed for me to continue, " so I saw some trade booths near the entrance of the community. How about we grab a few interesting stuff and go see if they got a ring you think Mani would like." She almost choked on he coffee. " seriously? You're gonna help me with the proposal?" She asked gulping down her coffee. I nodded.

" let me just take Lauren her coffee and we'll be set to head out. I've got a good dagger that I think they'd trade a ring for." I nudged her as I got up placing my cup in the wash and grabbing Lauren's coffee. I had on some cream trousers and a black button up shirt.

I had woken up before Lauren and didn't want to wake her too, she seemed peaceful so I let her be. When I walked into the room I saw her just about sitting up, eyes still droopy. I smiled handing her the cup as I took a seat on the bed. " morning love." I said softly. She gave me a big smile after taking a sip of her coffee. " morning baby." She replied. " me and Dinah were going to head out now, just wanted to make sure you know where I was if you need me. We're going to go browse those trading booths we saw on our way in." I told her. She smiled and nodded, " just be safe, baby." I nodded and got up an leaned down to connect our lips. The feelings I feel when kissing Lauren will never become dull, it's something I look forward to every day.

*Time skip*

Me and Dinah were walking over to a booth that was showing us a whole lot of jewelry. Dinah had the biggest smile on her face as she saw the rings. We've been through 3 other booths and she hadn't seen one rig fit for Normani. She only wants the best for her. We looked around at the jewelry then something caught my eye. It was a little rose quartz crystal in the form of a heart dangling from a thin silver chain. It immediately made me think of Lauren but my attention was caught by Dinah squealing and calling my name. I looked at what she was pointing to, it was a silver band ring littered with, what I assumed was, real diamonds. Next to it was a thin matching ring only along with the little diamonds, in the center, was a bit bigger diamond. She looked at me and nodded. " that's the one Yn. Those have my girl's name all over them." I smiled and asked the woman what she'd be willing to trade. Of course she wanted to see what we have. I offered her the dagger. It was a titanium dagger with a black handle and white accents. I hadn't ever used the thing so I decided to trade her it for the rings. She was happy to have her new possession but my attention was turned back to the necklace. Dinah saw me eyeing it so she asked the lady what she'd be willing to take. She glanced at us and settled on another knife that was tucked into my waistband. I smiled and traded it off for the necklace which I then carefully placed into the chest pocket of my shirt and was on our merry way back home.

We got home and Dinah had planned to try and get us home before the girls get home after work so we could plan something special. She said she had seen a way up to the roof of the house and was wondering if we could try and set up a little picnic up there.

Everything went as planned. We went to work and worked our asses off and when we got back we set up the little date. When the girls got there Dinah wasted bo time.

Currently me and Lauren were in our room. I was laying across the bed while Lauren sat in the middle of it softly massaging my back. I felt the little heart poking at my chest so I decided what better time than now. I turned around and went to sit next to her. She smiled at me and leaned in, I wrapped my arm around her.

" when me and Dinah were at the trading booths I saw this little rose quartz crystal heart on a necklace. It instantly reminded me of you." By now she was sitting upright looking at me. I smiled at her as my hand disappeared into my pocket and came out with the necklace. " so I traded my knife for it." She squealed as I let the necklace drop into her awaiting palm. She squealed and gave me a bone crushing hug then whipped around asking me to put it on her. I smiled to myself and grabbed the chain from her hands and clipped it.

" thank you, baby. This means a lot to me." She smiled at me and planted a kiss on my lips. When we pulled apart our room door busted open, almost falling from it's hinges. Dinah ran in and jumped in our bed right on top of me. " She said yes!" She yelled in my ear as I got up but she was so excited that she jumped onto my back. " what? She said yes?!" I yelled, excited for her and started running around, and out the room with Dinah on my back. We were yelling and cheering with Lauren and Mani looking at us.

" can you believe that's your girlfriend?" I heard Mani ask jokingly, " can you believe that's your wife?" Lauren replied. I smiled slightly and set Dinah down as I looked at Mani. " you treat her right, okay? She really loves you." I pointed at her. She smiled and joked, " yes miss Hansen. I will treat your daughter like a queen." I smiled as Dinah turned red. Lauren laughed but grabbed my arm and pulled on it. " c'mon, let's leave the lovers to it." She said pulling me upstairs.

I was happy with how things are. As I lay in bed, Lauren snugly cuddled up to me, I realized that this is my perfect life. The life I was always looking for.


Anywhore. I am actually being productive for once in my miserable life. Tho, seems Lauren and Yn's won't be so perfect in a lil while;⁠)


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