part five - long

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We were back on the road. The girls, along with Brad, fell asleep while we were waiting but I couldn't even think of sleeping while Brad was in the car. Even with Yn next to me.

I looked around as we drove past abandoned cars and trucks. The silence letting my mind roam. Yn slacked a bit when we passed an RV. She stopped infront of it and got out. I got out too.

" Why'd we stop?" I ask as she walked to the RV. She turned to me and then back to the rv. " If this thing is still running we could take it instead of the car. More room and all." She opened the door to reveal two walkers. They piled out at her feet, going limp as Yn's knife crushes through their skulls.

She got in and, for a second it was still. Until the roar of the RV engine was heard. The girls had awoken and got out to see whats happening. Yn leaned out of the RV. " Grab your shit. We're taking this thing. It's got a half full tank and all." She smiled slightly which made me crack a small one too. The girls cheered softly and grabbed all the bags and that. I went to the boot to check if anything got left behind but instead Brad grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. " So what? You gonna forget what we had? Over some little dyke?" He spat at me. I tried pulling my arm from him. " Don't call her that, if it weren't for her I wouldn't be here right now." I spat at him. He chuckled and shook his head. " Oh yeah, I forgot. You just love the attention. You probably fucked her already too huh?" He said harshly. I could feel him raising his hand but he got interrupted by Yn coming around the car. " What's happenin back here." She asked looking straight at Brad. He smiled at her, " Nah we were just talking. It's all good. Right babe?" He asked me. Even though he knows he's playing with fire. I didn't reply instead just walked past Yn and got in the RV.


I knew this boy would make problems. He tried walking past me but I grabbed him by his shirt collar. " Listen you little bitch. Don't try anything with me or these girls or I swear I'll feed your face to those walkers and make you choke on your own blood. Got that?" I deepened my voice. He shook and nodded his head frantically. I could have sworn I caught a whiff of a pissy smell as I let go of him harshly.

I turned and got into the RV, Lauren was seated next to me while the rest of them sat at the back. It was still, Lauren looked as if she saw a ghost. I kept glancing at her, " you ait?" I ask her, she turns to me with furrowed brows but nods. I nodded but didn't believe her.

I dug through my pants pocket and found what I was looking for. When we were at the petrol station back there I found a small chocolate. I was gunna keep it to myself but I guess I could offer it to her. I took it and motioned it towards her. She shook her dead, " c'mon, it's not like we get to eat chocolate every day. Take it." I insisted but she got angry. " God damnit Yn. I said I don't want the fucking chocolate! Just leave me alone!" She snapped at me. I flinched enough to almost let go of the steering wheel but I regained and looked out at the road, I decided.

I stopped the rv and turned to the girls, " There's a barn up ahead. When you get there pull into the barn and rest there for a while. I'll be back." I offered the chocolate to Ally, who took it with a small smile. Brad nodded and handed me my bag. I went to get out but Lauren pulled me back. " Where are you going?" She asked looking me up and down, " I'm leaving you alone." I said, my voice raspy as i slammed the RV door and headed to the forest. I quickly disappeared into the forest and started hunting. I was good at Hunting and tracking and those types of stuff.


I was so stupid. I could of just taken the chocolate and that would of been all. I had to yell at her. I was worried about her but I couldn't even concentrate. Brad was driving and he kept trying to grab onto my leg. It yn was here she'd protect me from him. We stopped at the barn Yn talked about and started looking around. Fortunately there was no walkers in the barn itself Se we could pull in and get out of the RV easily. We waited and waited for yn.

It was getting dark and I was getting worried when she finally got back. She walked in with 3 or so squirrels in her hand. She came over and set them down. She put her stuff down and started looking for wood. " Where were you?" I asked, she put the wood down and looked at me. " I brought dinner." She pointed to the dead animals. " That doesnt explain why you just left us there to fend for ourselves." I said but brad chipped in. " I would of protected you." He said but i just glared at him. " I dont need to explain to you. You aint my ma." She said. " Its just as good as being out there by ourselves!" My voice got louder. " You know what, fine. I'll leave you people then. Don't need me anymore, anyways." She lit a fire and started skinning the creatures.

We ate and went to sleep in the RV but when we awoke in the morning Yn really was gone. I began worrying even more, what if she doesn't make it. What then.

We looked for yn for a few days but nothing. I was determined to find her until we ran into a guy.

" My name is Arnold."


Ayyyyeeeeee! That's a wrap for now. As always, if you have any suggestions or tips for my writing please leave a comment or let me know. If you enjoyed consider giving it a vote. A vote a day keeps my writers block away.

Have a good day/ night.

- S

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