part thirteen - sweet sweet love

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I awoke the next morning with a weight on my body. Last night's events hit me and I immediately smiled. Even though we hadn't gone further than kissing, it was the best night I've had in ages.

Lauren was lying there, her eyes open and looking at me when I looked down. Our eyes connected and she gave me a big smile. " morning baby." She greeted. I smiled at her nickname, " morning Lo." I greeted back. She smiled again, " let's get showered and ready for the day." I nodded and we got up, Lauren had insisted we shower together. " spares water. The rest need some too."

Right now we were both getting in the shower. I was a respectful person so I hadn't looked at her ass, well, I might have glanced but I won't look while she was looking at me. " don't you like my body?" She asks. She, on the other hand, had been devouring me since my drawers came off. " I wasn't sure if I could look." I gave her a small smile, my eyes meeting hers. " you can look, you can touch, hell, you can take for all I care." Her hand guided mine to her bare ass, the water now running down her back and onto her perfectly round bottom.

( y'all I can't write smut for shit😪 you can have a gun to my head asking me to write something mouth watering and I'd end up dead and smutless.)

I gave her left cheek a soft squeeze and sighed. She gave me that look and leaned her body close to mine. I had quite a few 'bitches' before the whole apocalypse thing but I sure as hell didn't get any pussy while the dead was around. My body was craving for her, not like it did when I was fucking someone else. No, it was like I needed her to stay alive.

I reached up and softly took one of her boobs into my hand, she had perfect, round breasts. She moaned softly as I rolled her nipple between my fingers. Her eyes rose to mine, she looked ready to eat me up like a four course meal. I could feel the strain coming from my length, I was quick to reach down and softly glide my fingers over her thighs.

" yn " she breathed out making me want her more. I groan as I feel her fingers snake around my load, taking it in her hand. My fingers started to feel around her center. Making sure I make my way to her clit slow.

She gave out a whine as I slowed my fingers, lightly caressing her clit. That was all I had to hear to send me in, I rolled her clit between my fingers as I feel her hips buck at the sudden contact. " please" she said as she pushed my fingers down and slowly entered them. At first my pace was soft and slow but she had had enough of my calmness. She dropped to her knees, looked at me through hooded eyes and before I knew it she gulked up my dick, it was too big to go all in, I could see her eyes Ross each time she takes me in.

My hands reach out to the wall supporting my body as pleasure coarse through my body. My other hand went to her head, softly guiding my dick in and out of her mouth. I, oh so desperately, wanted to slam into her and make her scream my name. She got the message because in a second she was up and was connecting our lips. I could taste myself on her lips as I flipped up and guided my dick to her entrance. I had broken the contact to see what I was doing and just before I slammed into her I looked into her eyes making sure it's okay. She was looking at me with lustful eyes, her bottom lip in between her teeth.

" just do it, papi." Lauren said, her voice was all I needed. I took it slow at first. I pushed the tip of my dick into her and groaned, she moaned for more so I pushed in more. Halfway in and I started with my slow pumps, I let her adjust to my bigness feeling her walls tighten around me as I pushed in all the way.

She moaned out loudly and at that moment I was thankful that the shower was on, " quicker " she moaned out as I repeatedly slammed into her, our moans running in sync as I feel her clench and release around my dick.

I adjust my position until I felt that spongy spot, I hit it just right making her scream my name, " Ah! Yn fuck!" She was clawing at my back making me hit that spot repeatedly. She was a hot, moaning mess.

" oh shit, Yn I'm gonna cum!" She whined out as I felt her walls clench tightly around me. She moaned one last time before releasing in my dick. I felt myself growing close to cumming but as I was about to pull out she pulled me closer and moaned in my ear, " paint my walls, papi." That was all I needed to hear to release. I shot her full of my webs.


As I pulled out I felt my breathing even out. Lauren's were still ragged, she was basically hanging off of me. " are you okay? I asked once we both got our breathing under control. She gave me a huge smile, " damn, she just fucked the brains out of me but still asks if I'm okay. You gotta start planning a ring, yn."

I smiled at her. " but yes yn, I am okay. Thank you... for fucking me senseless and still caring." She answered.

We took our planned shower and got out, getting dressed. I wore a cream button up shirt and some black trousers with my usual sneaks. She put on some high waisted jeans and a band t-shirt.

When we got downstairs everyone was already there. Mani was there half sat on Dinah half on the couch. Camila was shatting with Selena while Ally talked to Kara and Andy. " so, what do we have planned for today?" I asked as Lauren joined Mani on the couch.

Kara looked at Andy and started to speak. " yn, we were in a community before you found us. It's not far from here, I'm sure if we tried we could make the community our Ally. Maybe help them in change for food." By now the whole crew had started to listen. It sounded promising and if the community was anything like these guys then in be happy to Ally with them.

" hmm, alright me and Dinah will take horses out with Andy and Kara. Check the place out and talk to the leader." I saw Lauren cross her arms but didn't say anything. " what, I wanna go too." Selena protested and sat upright. " Selena, you are injured and it wouldn't be a good idea to take someone on a run that's injured. What if we get caught up, you can't run." I reasoned and she nodded sitting back. " I understand, just keep my people safe." I nodded at her and rounded my plan up. " right let's get going. Dinah." I called as I walked out the door.


Damn. So I'm gonna do the whole leader dies and yn takes over thing again. Stupid, I know, but I was dumb to rush that into the book so quickly when I knew I needed it later. It won't be the same, I promise.


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