part fourteen - new beginnings

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I walked back to the house after I set the things up and got the horses ready. Everyone gathered by the porch, our annual farewell place. Lauren smiled at me, it was small but it was there.

I saw Dinah and Mani having their moment so I made mine with Lauren. " you know I'll be back soon for you, babygirl." I reassured her. She nodded and took my hand. " I wanna come with, you know I always wanna come with." She protested and looked up into my eyes. " I don't want to put you in danger, if it doesn't go as planned then I, at least, know you're safe here." She smiled bigger this time and nodded. " y'all ready?" Andy questioned. I turned to Dinah to see her finalizing her farewell.

" I love you, Yn." Lauren said suddenly, I was shook but quickly recovered an smiled. " I love you too, babygirl." Our lips touched in a soft but electric union. " please be safe, baby." I nodded at her words as I walked over to the horses with Dinah.

* time skip*

We're about half way there. Me and Dinah was hanging behind the other two. " so you finally got your girl?" Dinah joked as I smiled. " well, you got yours. Figured I had to step up too " she nodded and sighed dreamily. " she got you hooked." I smiled at my, quickly becoming, best friend. " I know, it's like I've found my other half. She's the best thing that's happened to me since Beyonce smiled at me." I laughed, when we were on the streets we camped out in a music store and they showed me all their faves. They still can't believe I know how to play a guitar.

" I know how you feel, dude. Lauren has me in her trap. She can just clap her fingers and tell me to jump, I'd not question her, only ask how high." Dinah laughed at my words, nodding as she agrees. " I think I wanna wife her up but I don't know if it's to early. I mean we've known each other for a long time, before the apocalypse, but we've only just started our romance." Dinah admitted. I smiled and looked at her, she was looking ahead, slightly up at the sky. " if you feel it's the right thing then go for it. I believe in you." She turned to me with the biggest smile. " you know. You are one amazing best friend to have. I'm so glad we met." I nodded in agreement with her words.

" so what about you and Lauren." She looked at me, my face now turned up like hers was. " well, she's ... amazing. I think I might be in love with her. Last night she was helping me clean up and she saw my scars and...she didn't judge me or ask out about any of them. She's just, perfect." She smiled, Dinah was one of the only people I felt comfortable talking about my scars with. She saw them when we were working on the fence and she didn't question them, not look at them, nothing but I knew she was questioning them so I told her. " she is one hell of a woman. I do admit that myself and I know damn well she's head over heels in love with you. Her and Mani talk so much and every other night Mani would come from Lauren's room and tell me about how her best friend is finally in love with someone good." Dinah smiled making me smile. " oh I know they be talking. By the way, I hear Mani sad your sex is the best she's had in long. I couldn't believe you were intersex as well. When I found out I almost ran to your room like a little kid." I admitted remembering when Lauren had accidentally blabbered out about how Mani was drooling all over Dinah's dick.

"Riiight. When we first met I was shocked to see that huge tent and I was so excited but nervous. When you finally confirmed it I couldn't wait to tell you." She smiled. " ooo, so you think I got a big dick?" I joked. She smiled evilly. " I know Lauren thinks so." My mouth fell open. " when I went to get Mani some water I popped into your room to see if you were asleep already cuz I wanted to do a late night patrol and that's when I heard it. ' ah, yn fuck', I could hear it all." She faked a traumatized look. I laughed and shook my head. " don't get me started on the stories I heard from Lauren. ' right there Dinah, fuck' you a lil monster eh?" She turned red but didn't say anything. " but in all seriousness tho, we fucked last night." She admitted and my mouth went open. " when I got back to the room I told her damn, yn getting some. She looked at me and the rest is history. I'm just worried about her health because I uh... I nutted in her." She said the last part softly. M mouth went impossibly bigger. " no way, so did I with Lauren. Shit, what if she gets pregnant." I was now somewhat talking to myself.

" don't worry. It never works on the first nut. I'm just worried because I always worry." I agree, I mean, she not right but I believe it to reassure myself. She smiled at me, " look on the bright side. You got yo girl, you got some fine ass friends and we might be hitting the jackpot with a new home." She was right. I smiled at her and nodded, " I really hope we stay here, if not then just a deal." I said as we rounded a corner coming to a stop at a huge gate. The guy atop the gate looked down and yelled, " Andy that you my guy?" He yelled back and they immediately opened the gate.

" welcome back guys, where's Selena?" The guy asked and looked at us. " uh yeah, she got hurt so we let her stay back." He nodded and turned to us. " welcome to the Hillvalley" he smiled. " thanks. So where's the leader?" I smiled as he starts to lead us to a building in the center of the sanctuary.

A woman was sat on a chair there. She looked up at us then back at Andy with a confused look. I knelt by her, my hand extended. " hello ma'am. My name is Yn and this is my friend, Dinah." She shakes our hands in silence. " Andy brought us here. He talked about us getting a deal with you." I explained. " my name is Ella, it's s pleasure to meet you Yn. What do you have to offer for us?" I smiled at her words.

"We've got hard working people. We can help you with building or farming. Our women, back home, could cook or clean. In exchange we only need a bit of food and supplies." I said as she thought. " we do have much to spare and we need more working people." Kara reasoned. Ella nodded and smiled, " I'll check up with my people and get back to you. Andy, get a meeting going." Andy nodded and jogged off with Kara following.

Ella stood up and motioned for us to follow her. We walked into a office where she started pouring us a glass of whiskey. " so where are y'all held up?" She asked. " we're staying on a farm not too far from here. We've been repairing and building it up. " she nodded as she handed us our glasses. " how many are you?" Was her next question. " it's us two and four back home. Selena excluded. " Dinah was next to answer. Ella nodded but quickly started coughing.

I jumped up and helped her to hr seat. " are you okay." I asked with concern. " I have cancer. Got diagnosed just before the apocalypse started. Our doctor says I dont have much time." She admitted taking a huge sip of her whiskey. " what's gonna happen to this place?" Dinah asked once I sat back down." Well, I'm thinking of making Selena the new leader. Selena is my daughter and she is a great person. I trust her." I nodded agreeing with her. Selena is kind and considerate.

" how is she? I didn't see her with Andy and Kara." She asked. I smiled. " she's good. She stayed back at the farm, her leg got injured when they were out." She smiled and went to answer when Andy walked in with a smile. " people's outside. They're eager to hear."

We followed him onto the porch of the house where he started explaining our case to the people. They agreed and settled that we'd get our deserved portion.

After that we got things finalized and decided to go back, me and Dinah, and come back the day after tomorrow to start up on our work.


I had to stop there cuz this thing got long as hell. I'm thinking of taking a major part of the walking dead and implementing in into this book, leave your suggestions or vote if you'd like to see it.


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