part six - a while.

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It's been just a little over two weeks or so since I last saw Lauren and them. I was walking through a dense forest when I heard someone tell for help. I thought about it and decided against it but as she continued to scream my conscious began. I dashed in the direction of the cry for help and saw a small blonde girl being cornered by 3 drones. She was pushing them away with a stick but when she saw me she broke down, begging me for help.

I took out my knife and killed the 3 before looking at her. " Are you bit, scratched?" I asked her. She shook her head no and grabbed onto me in a tight hug. " Thank you, thank you." I didn't hug back but i patted her back. " Do you have a camp around here?" She asked as she parted from me. I shook my head. " You?" She nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me through the forest to a small tent with two people sitting there. A man and a woman.

" Guys, this is..." She looked at me as the people jumped up, knives ready. I put up my hand and sighed. " Yn. " She smiled and told them to lower their weapons. My hand was resting on my gun. " My name is Erica, this is my sister Mary and her husband Tony. "

Tony was a big guy. Tattooed arms a d dark hair. Mary had a reddish coloured hair, frail figure. Erica was thin and pale. Brown hair to match her eyes. " Where'd you come from?" Tony asks, his hand on his knife. " I've been walking through the woods for days. Don't know where I am. " I sigh. They warmed up and allowed me to stay with them.

Now that happened about two days ago. Now it's just me and Erica. Tony sacrificed himself when a horde passed through but his sacrifice was useless. They got Mary too. I grabbed Erica and ran. We walked for a while until we encountered this guy, claimed he had a safe place for us to go to. I was hesitant but Erica immediately agreed. I've had my fair share of sanctuaries gone wrong.

We were now with him in his car, heading to this so called camp. We looked like complete hobos. Dirty, out clothes torn, my hair was growing as of I poured some magic potion in it. I have some cuts and bruises all over. But if this place is really as good as it seems I wouldn't have to worry about any of it. Guess we'll just see.

* Time skip, at the front gate.*

We got to the gate and was told to get out. Walk from there on. We got in and was met with a friendly lady. In her late 40s maybe. " Welcome to Mandaria. A place for new beginnings. I'm Denise, the head of the sanctuary. " I stuck out my hand, careful to keep Erica close to me instead they try something. I can't lose more people. " Yn. " I introduce, Erica was standing behind me. Not knowing if she should trust these people. I've told her about the questions I ask, she answered them and now knows the background to them as well, I see her as one of mine. " And you are?" Denise bent a little to see Erica. ( Erica will be 13) I stood in her way. Shielding Erica. " She's Erica. One of mine." I made it clear. She smiled and nodded, motioning for us to follow her. We walked behind her as she led us through the town, people coming out of the houses to see. Erica slipped her hand in mine and walked as close to me as possible.

" You'll be staying here. Go freshen up and then you can take a walk through the neighborhood. Meet some new people." She handed me the keys and started walking. We went it and got all ready. I offered for Erica to take the first shower, she gladly took it. After my shower I felt as clean as I could ever be. Erica was ecstatic to see the new people. As soon as we got out of the house another girl came up to us. She had dark brown hair and eyes, her skin was a dark brown colour. " Hi, can I play with you?" She asked Erica. I wasn't exactly ready to let Erica loose alone. So she and the girl walked by me, chatting and giggling away. I learned that her name was Sindi

We walked by an open garage with a woman in it. She saw me and jogged out smiling, " hi you're the new one here? My name is Chloe." She stuck her hand out. I shook it cautiously. She smiled and reached for my hair but I grabbed her arm quickly. She put up her other hand and slowly reached for my hair again. " I could give you a haircut if you want." Sje offered. I smiled and looked at Erica and Sindi.

" Please mom?- I mean Yn. We'll be super careful." She did it again. Even since I saved her she's been trying to sneak the word mom into the conversation. I told her not to call me that, I'm not her mother. I don't want to be. I sighed and nodded. Letting them go.

" So you're Yn?" Chloe asked as she made me sit in a chair in her garage. I nodded, she started clipping my hair the shortness I wanted. Just above my ears, bout 8cm. We chatted and laughed together as she clipped on.

" So you don't have any connection with the people that got here a while ago? Two and a half weeks maybe." She asked me, I shook my head and looked down. I should go check on Erica.

Once she finished I thanked her and promised to visit her again, I went out to look for Erica and found her and the girl skipping rock on the dam. They couldn't do it properly. " Yn! Can you skip a rock. Sindi's father taught her but she can't do it either." I took the rock and threw it making it skip along the dam, 5 skips. I smiled as they tried to imitate my movement but my smiling was cut short as I heard a voice behind me.



Yuh, it's like that now. Same thing I always say, if you have any questions or tips for the book or my writing in general please let me know.

Cya on the flippy side.


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