part fifteen - work, then party

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Yn and Dinah got back a while ago and told us the plan. We had only tomorrow to pack a week's worth of stuff and then we'll head out. It was said that me, Ally and Mani would do housework for them while yn, Dinah and Camila started with maintenance and farming.

I was excited to be meeting new people and finally being back with yn. I didn't like her leaving and coming back do much. Now, when we get to Hillvalley she'd stay out of danger.

At the moment we were relaxing, we were all in our separate rooms. Camila was with Selena while Ally made us all something to eat. Camila was quickly getting close with Selena.

" what's on your mind?" Yn asked. I smiled up from where my head rested on her shoulder. " just thinking. Camila and Selena's getting close quickly." I smiled yn sighed, " the leader over there, Ella, is Selena's mother. She has cancer." She said," what's gonna happen to her." I questioned,was it curable. " She's already too far to cure. Said that if she dies then Selena will take over. At least we know Selena is kind, will still help us." She said while softly rubbing my back. " that's sad. We don't even know her." I said sympathetically. She hummed. " well, at least we won't be away from each other any more. You won't need to go out every day to gather supplies." She hummed and looked down at me. " we'll stay there for a week and see how it goes. Come back and discuss our options. If everyone likes it there then I'm gonna suggest we request to stay there permanently." She said. I nodded and cuddled in closer to her.

" you know. Me and Dinah talked while on our way to the sanctuary. She thinks she might want to propose to Mani. That girl is so in love with Mani, it would kill her if Mani said no." She said. I smiled big, " Mani has been talking about when she wishes Dinah should propose. She thinks it would be wonderful if Dinah proposed at Hillvalley." Yn snapped her head to me with a huge smile. " don't tell Dinah or mani that I told you. I might help her get a ring or something while we're there." She suggested while still smiling. I nodded and rested my head back on her shoulder.

* time skip*


It was the next day, I was getting the horses ready. We're gonna need to share. Me and Lauren will share a horse. Dinah and Mani will share one. Camila offered to share with Selena because of her hurt leg. And then Ally will have her horse. We had one extra horse to carry our luggage. Ally will lead it with her horse.

We got packed and started on our way. " how far is this place?" Mani questioned. Me and Dinah were riding next to one another. " it's quite a bit away but we'll get there quite early." It was late morning at the moment.

Dinah was silent, it looked like she was thinking hard. " you okay there D?" I asked, she looked at me with a smile and nodded. " yeah, just thinking. We should ask our lovely women here if they want to prepare a little ' thank you' party tonight. To show ella and the people how much we appreciate it." I smiled and turned s little to look at Lauren. " you wanna?" Mani questioned her, she smiled brightly and nodded.

We soon arrived and got placed in a house. It was small but we were all comfortable there. They offered to give us two separate houses but we refused. We only needed three open beds. Our house had two rooms so we decided that me and Lauren would take one. Dinah and Mani would take the other while Ally and Camila took the living room. I had suggested that one of them take my spot but both them and Lauren disagreed.

We got our stuff in and decided that it was early enough to start.

They gave me, Dinah and Camila farming work, while Lauren and them went to work with the vegetables. Cleaning and prepping them.

We were busy in the fields when ella called me over. " working already? Thought you'd start tomorrow." She gave a short laugh. I smiled and shook my head. " nah, the sooner the better. Listen, we got the idea to throw a little 'thank you' party tonight if you'd let us. To properly thank you and the people here." I smiled as I saw her softly nod. " yeah we can make that work. I'll let my people know and get some people to help in the kitchen with making some food. Music could be sorted out." She nodded more and gave me a smile.

" you're one hell of a person, Yn. I have a feeling you'll play a big role in the community after I'm gone." She reached up and patted me on the chest because she's too short to reach my shoulder. I gave her a smile as she turned and walked off. " party's set." I gave Dinah and Mila a thumbs up.

* time skip*

We were all sitting around the bonfire we made. Some of the community's people joined us. Making small talk amongst themselves untill one of the younger guys brought out a guitar. " hey I wanted to ask if any of y'all can play. A while back we went on a run and fount this." I wasn't gonna say anything until I felt Lauren pinch my arm from her place in between my legs. " my buddy over here knows how." Dinah threw her arm over my shoulders. " yeah, play for us yn." Camila cheered on. I smiled and went to deny but Lauren jumped up from her place and grabbed the guitar from the boy.

" she's gonna blow y'all away." She said smiling as she gave me the guitar and sat next to me with a smile. I though of a song.

I chose a song I remembered from the days my mother would play me to sleep, when I was little. I started the song. Hitting all the notes correctly. She song had a sombre tone to it, a sad tone. Everyone had settled and listened to me play. I thought about the little things my mother left for little me. If she hadn't left me sheet music for this song the I wouldn't have been able to play it. She was the reason I decided to learn to play the guitar.

Everyone listened to the song, some had closed eyes, some were thinking deep. I was only focussed on one thing. The most beautiful girl, Lauren. She had her eyes closed while softly swaying to the beat of my guitar. I could see a soft smile playing at her lips, it made me start smiling softly. Ally had somehow thought of some lyrics to go with the song, even though they weren't those of my mother.

It had set the mood just right, everything around me had slowed down as I gazed at Lauren. My song was coming to an end and as I played the last chords her eyes opened and we made eye contact.

The cheers of the people were blurred as my ears closed to only hear her voice. She somehow felt the same as I did and leaned in. Our lips connected, it was soft and passionate. I could feel every emotion that ran through both mine and her body. Our breath became short making us pull apart. I didn't have enough time to glance at her again when the boy grabbed me and shook my hand hard. " dude that was awesome. Please keep the guitar. Can you teach me sometime?" I smiled and nodded. " uh thank you, I can teach you sometime." I said as he smiled and headed back to his seat. I rested the guitar on the side of the log next to me. Lauren slowly slipped her hand into mine and interwined our fingers.

" how long have y'all been together?" I heard Ella ask from next to me. " not too long." Lauren smiled at her. She blew out a puff, " you two remind me of me and my husband before he died. He was one hell of a man." She gave a huge smile. Lauren giggled, " well, this right here is one hell of a woman. Without her neither I nor my friends would be here right now." She told Ella. Ella laughed loudly and nodded. " I can believe that, Andy told me the story of how she saved my people. I must admit, if it were me out there then I wouldn't have risked myself like that." Ella said while leaning in as if she had told a secret. Lauren smiled and squeezed my hand. " well, Yn is just one of a kind. That why I fell in love with her." Lauren smiled up at me, I gave her a huge goofy smile back.

" well, it's getting late. I should get home and get to bed. You young ones enjoy the night." Ella smiled, she got up and gave me a pat on the shoulder as she walked past where I sat. We went home soon after Ella did. Got ready and hit the hay.


So, this book is actually going somewhere for once. I'm actually proud of this book.


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