part three - deaths

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She continued with her stories,

" Next was Guss and Milly. Milly had gotten really sick while we were camping just outside of a small town. The house we were in had gotten overrun by drones, Robert's screaming had lured them. Guss wanted to go to town to see if they have any medicine left in the pharmacy so I went with. It was a short walk but we had talked and laughed. Shared stories and all. When we got to the pharmacy they had some of the things we needed but not much of anything else. We got as much as we could and headed out. What we didn't notice was the horde just a few steps from us and when we did notice them it was too late. Guss was ripped apart and so was Milly's medicine. I made a run for it and by the time I got back to where we were camping Milly had gone as well. It was just me and Hope left." She said. Her voice cracked a little by the name of the girl, was it her sister? Maybe her girlfriend? My chest tightened as I glanced at her glossy blues.

She cleared her throat and continued. " We walked for days and days. It had been one of the hottest days ever so we stopped near a mall in a city. I was severely dehydrated and tired because all I had was given to Hope. I had cared for her, making sure she'd survive. We sat in the mall's entrance. As the day got darker I did as well, Hope attempted to run across the street to a store to see if they have any supplies left but she was run over before she made it across. The people took out a stretcher and took her with them, I was too weak to oppose. I passed out, and when I awoke the street I was in had grown darker and I could hear the groans. I ran myself to the store and, luckily they had some supplies left. I got my strength back and started looking for Hope. She was the only one I had left.

I had seen a couple of cars drive past but didn't have the balls to actually confront them. Instead I hid in the shadows until one day, this one car sputtered and stopped. A woman got out and sighed getting angry, she kicked the car, turning her back to me. I took the chance and grabbed her. She led me to where they were holding Hope. I suggested we do a trade. A person for a person.

It was going well, I had Hope and we were ready to go but she stopped me and told me that she'd only take a second. She turned back around and lunged at the head of the place, he was a tall slender man but she managed to stab him with a screwdriver. He reacted badly and pulled out his gun, shot Hope right through the head. I went mad and took out my gun, firing shots left and right. I took out most of them before my bullets ran out, the rest scattered.

I picked up her motionless body and walked. I walked for hours on end until I found a place I could put her. She was the only one I had left." By now I could see the wetness on her cheek as she continued driving. We were all silent. Ally reached out from the back and pulled Yn into a hug, almost making her crash but she kept the car steady. " I'm so sorry you had to go through all those awful things, I would never have imagined." Ally said pulling away. Most of us were full in bawling at the end. She had gone through so much, yet she's still here.

It was silent for the rest of the ride,

* Time skip*


We stopped near a small clothing store as we passed through a small town. It was dark out and it wasn't safe to be driving so we set up camp in the store. The girls were all browsing through the untouched clothes, giggling and joking about. I, on the other hand, stood by the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder. " C'mon, you need to relax for a while." Lauren said. I sighed and nodded, following her as we walked past a jewelry stand. I glanced down and saw a little gold chain with a little moon. It reminded me of Hope. " You like it, take it." She smiled and picked it up. I hesitated for a second but smiled and nodded. We walked through in silence until we stopped at the more ' me' Ilse. She looked at some loose fitting grey jeans then to my trousers. " What?" I asked looking down. " You, love, need a new outfit." She smiled and took the jeans off of the hanger, sizing them to my waist. She smiled and looked through the shirts. I wanted a plain black one but she insisted I try the army green shirt, said it would ' help me blend in with the bushes'. I grabbed myself a new belt and a black and grey flannel on the way to the dressing room.

Once I got dressed in the clothes I actually felt a bit more comfortable

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Once I got dressed in the clothes I actually felt a bit more comfortable. I walked out to see all the girls huddled around Lauren, they were all speaking at once. " I don't okay, can't down." Lauren said, frustrated. I walked towards them. My hand resting on the gun in its holster out of habit. " What's goin on?" I questioned. They all went silent and turned to me. " Damn, so you actually know how to clean up well." Normani said as she winked at me. I nodded and stared at her weirdly. The rest of them gave me some type of compliment, except for Lauren. I shook my head and went to day something until I felt someone touch my hair. " Y'know, I could give you a haircut if you want. Clean you up." Ally suggested as she fiddled with my hair. I smiled and thanked her before heading back to the shop door.

They all went on with what they wanted to till it became too dark to see inside the store. We got out place and drifted off. Well, they did. I couldn't sleep so I stood watch by the door.


I got awoken by a noise coming from the back of the store's storeroom. I wanted to wake Yn to go check but when I reached for her in the dark Iouldn't find her. " Yn?" I softly whispered. I heard more rustling but no reply. " Yn?" I said a bit louder. Nothing.

I was going to say her name again, louder, in my panicking state when I felt someone wrap around my mouth. I wanted to scream but stopped when I heard Yn's voice near my ear. " Shush, you hear that?" She asked me. Her face getting illuminated by the dim moonlight coming in from the windows. I nodded as if she could see me, instead it just shook her hand from my face. " What was it?" My voice was soft, scared.
She pulled her knife out while crouching down. She did a crouched walk towards the storeroom door and glanced back at me as I started to shake the girls awake. " Lauren, it's not even light out." Dinah complained loudly, a loud rustle came from the other side of the door once again which waked Dinah up completely. " Oh hell no. Don't tell me..." She shook her head and started shaking Normani awake while I did Ally and Camila.

It was a precaution, even it if was nothing. Just to be safe.

We all stood ready with our knives out, barely being able to see anything. Yn pulled out a small flashlight. She turned it on and put it between her teeth to hold it still while she held the doorknob and her machete. " One, two... Three." She said and flung the door open, shone the light in to see a big grey rat running along some boxes. She stabbed it and took her flashlight into her hands.

" Just a goddamn rat-" her words were cut short with a low growl and a walker grabbing onto her. More following behind it. She held it off but the rest came through for us.

" Go, get to the car. I'll be there!" She yelled, slicing through the drone's head.


Ooooo, what's to happen next? You all know nobody gone die so it's all good. Or is it?

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