part nineteen - savour the moment

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Kara and Zayn got back about 2 hours ago and me and Mani we're still sat at the gate. She wouldn't leave and to be honest, I didn't want to either. Ella was over to talk with us but we both just glared at her until she walked off to talk to the gatekeepers.

We had given up hope and was getting ready to go when we heard a car approach. I smiled instantly knowing that she kept her promise, my heart felt like it could beat again as they opened the gates and let them drive the car in. As I watched Yn and Dinah get out my eyes started watering.

Me and Mani we're quick to rush over and embrace our other halves, Mani was full in sobbing and I could hear Dinah crying as well. I threw my arms around Yn and jumped, wrapping my legs around her waist, she chuckled softly. " what happened to being done?" Her voice was raspy, as if not been drinking enough water.

I started balling at her words. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as I started mumbling to her.


I couldn't hear what she was saying over her crying, but my heart was fluttering. it felt as if I could breathe normally again, I finally have her back in my arms.

I shushed her and rubbed circles on her back as her crying for softer. Nobody else has seen us enter except for those that were around but they sent someone to go get Ella. " Yn, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I was a horrible bitch." She sniffed out once her crying stopped. Dinah and Mani had left once they got done with their greetings so I slowly started walking towards our house as well, careful not to drop Lauren.

I smiled as I let go of her to open the door but she didn't want to get off of me. I smiled and, with little difficulty, opened the door and walked in.

We went to sit on the bed after a difficult stair climbing. Lauren slowly let go of my neck but her legs stayed. " Yn I'm so s-" I cut her off by bringing her into a soft kiss. " Lauren, it's all okay. Don't apologize, it was my fault as much as it was yours." I soothed, she shook her head, " if I didn't try and trick you and maybe actually spent my time trying to see what you two were doing for us then I wouldn't have been such a bitch." She said, eyes starting to water again. " hey, no. Nobody speaks about my lady like that." I joked trying to lighten her mood. It worked.

She gave a soft giggle and playfully shoved my shoulder. We sat in silence just staring at one another. " Yn, I real-" I cut her off before she could finish her apology. " listen, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me Lauren, don't apologize for trying to be cautious. You know, when we were our there me and D talked a lot and as n realized just how much she loved Mani, I realized that my love for you was just as great. Before I met you girls I was shut off and cold but somehow, in the little time we knew one another, you broke down those walls I built up, you skipped your way right into my heart without me knowing. My life before the apocalypse was shitty and when it started I knew it wasn't going to get any better. Little did I know, I was going to find you. You make me feel safe, loved. Like I belong somewhere for once in my life. Don't apologize Lauren, you were, like I was, doing it out of pure love. " I was talking from my heart. Something I rarely, if ever, did but somehow it felt right. Lauren felt right.

I was engulfed in yet another crushing hug, my shirt being soaked with the tears of my love. " I love you so so much, Yn." She sobbed out as I wrapped my arms around her. " I love you too Lauren." I whispered, my heart feeling full.

* time skip*

After our heart session we took a nap, not wanting to leave one another's side. Dinah came in a few minutes ago saying that Ella was here. She said to meet her at her house tonight for dinner.

That's where we're headed. We cleaned up and was now headed to her house, despite Lauren and Mani still not liking her. Dinah was smiling, glowing almost. Her and Mani sorted things out as well, I was happy to see my best friend happy. Ally and Camila said they'd meet us there.

When we got there Ally was already waiting. " hey Als. You okay?" I smiled as i gave her a soft hug. She nodded, " yeah, Camila ditched me to chat with Kara when we got here so I figured I'd wait for y'all." She responded as we walked in. We saw them all sat waiting for us, Ella bringing in the last bowl. " finally, sit down. Grab something to eat." She gestured.

I smiled and pulled out a chair for Lauren,talking a seat next to her. We ate and chatted the night away, not once thinking of the dangers that lie just outside our walls. We knew we were safe and to tell you, it felt damn good.

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Whale. This was short but it was good. So I'm leavin it at that. See y'all on the flippedy side(⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞


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