part four - who

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We all sat in the car, a few walkers were around but none came for us. We were waiting for Yn, hoping that she'd bust through the walkers any second now. I sighed and tapped my food anxiously until I heard something. When I glanced out the drivers side window I saw someone come up to us, killing the walkers near. I had though it was Yn so I got out to greet her and check if she's okay but it wasn't her. It was someone I had hoped, wished, was dead. Brad.

" Lauren? That you?"


" Lauren? That you?" I heard a man say as I came around the back of the building. I crept up behind the guy, when he tried to make a move to get closer I grabbed him and held the gun to his head. " Who the hell are you?" I made my voice deeper than usual. He trembled and let go of his knife. I glanced at Lauren and the others to see them all as pale as ghosts. " Yn, this ... This is Brad. My ex boyfriend." Lauren said not making eye contact with me or the guy. She seemed frightened. I groaned and let go of him, shoving him harshly and walked towards Lauren and them, now huddled together. " Are you okay, nobody got bit or scratched?" I asked trying not to sound too concerned. They're still outsiders but I do want them to be safe. " We're fine honey. But your cheek, " Ally said but before I could react Lauren grabbed my face and pulled me down to her level. She took the sleeve of her jacket and wiped at my face till she saw where the blood came from. " It's not a bite or a scratch, must have cut yourself one some glass or something." She smiled and gazed into my eyes. I nodded and took my face from her grasp.

" You guys got a camp somewhere around here?" The bread guy asked. I looked at the girls then turned to him, my gun still in my hand. " What's it to you?" I harshes out. He shrugged and walked closer to us. " Figured you'd let me join you." He said shrugging. I glanced at the girls, they didn't oppose or anything so I began. " How many walkers have you killed?" I asked him, taking a step closer.

He shrugged, " I don't know, a lot?" I nodded, " how many people have you killed?" He went still at this and looked me dead in the eyes. " Two." I raised an eyebrow, little man got some balls. " Why?" Was the last question. He shrugged, " one tried to kill me, the other had what I needed." I thought. He could be ab asset. Plus if I grow irritated I could just feed him to the drones.

I sighed and turned around, " everyone, get in the car. We gotta go." They all got in. Squished together in the back while me and Lauren sat in front. Lauren seemed more silent that ever. I wanted to ask her but got distracted by Camila talking.

" So Yn, can you tell us more about Hope?" She asked. Ally shoved her with the elbow but I just chuckled and nodded. " Hope, she was an interesting one. Before the deaths started we were held up in a barn. It was an easy, cozy space but it all went sideways when a storm hit. Thunder and lightning. Tree fell right on top of the barn and we all got seperated while trying to get away from the fire and the walkers. Me and her ended up together.

At first she was a little annoying, bitchy. We were complete opposites but as we went on we got to know each other. She was a sweet, loving and caring girl. Always took care of the others in need. Helped where she could. Without her help I'd be dead. She was a good person, didn't deserve what came. " I felt my mood sour a bit but I shook it off. " Was she your girlfriend?" Normani asked me. I looked at her through the mirror and thought for a second. " She was family." Was all I had to say. She nodded and it all went silent till the guy started. " So you're a lesbian too?" He asked. I sighed and nodded. " Got a problem?" He threw his hands up in defence and shook his head. " Nah, most of these girls are." He shrugged, his eyes bore into the back of Lauren's skull. Dinah and Normani both went wide eyed when he said that.

Ally gave him a hard slap on the shoulder. " What? You're not famous anymore, who's gonna find out?" He rubbed his shoulder. I raised an eyebrow. " What, you girls some kind of YouTube gang? Singers?" I questioned, curiously. Lauren didn't even turn to talk to me, instead Dinah answered. " We were a pop group." She said. I didn't listen to music so I didn't know pop was a genre.

" Pop? You made famous popcorn or something?" Lauren giggled and turned to me. A small smile on her face. " Pop, as in a band, we're singers Yn. Where'd you come from? Under a rock?" She joked. I gave her a look, I did. My father wouldn't even let me have a phone until I was 17. So how would I know about these stuff. I huffed and looked back at her. He eyes shone in the moonlight. They reminded me of Hope's.

I pulled over near the end of a road connecting to a bridge that goes out of the city. " We'll wait here for a while. Till it's light out." I said.


And that's a wrap. Oh and don't worry, Brad won't be in the story for long. He had done some unspeakable things and top that, he's a little bitch in this book.

Btw the girls ages will change, as follow.

Ally - 19
Dinah - 18
Camila - 18
Normani - 17
Lauren - 17

Anyhow yuh.

Cya ppl


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