part seven - met

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Quick note - I won't be able to write as much this coming week, it's time for our annual derby( sports) it's coming at my school and unfortunately I've got to participate in three of the sports ( Hockey, netball and lacrosse) I do and I've got to pose as our mascot while the actual mascot character plays 1st team rugby. It's a full week and I'll try my best to update as much as I can. Anyhow, back to it.


There stood Lauren and the rest of them, brad included. Erica saw them and ran, hiding halfway behind my leg. Lauren bent town to talk to Erica but I stood fully infront of her. Not wanting them to see her. " Where did you go Yn. We looked everywhere for you." Camila spoke walking up to us. The rest followed. " I for real though you died Dawg." Dinah said. Mani shoved her in the stomach with an elbow. " We're so glad you're okay." She rephrased Dinah's words.

Just as Lauren wanted to speak up Chloe came up to us and smiled at me. " It looks so much better when it's dry." She tiptoed to pull a piece of hair from my eyes. " And you are?" Lauren glared at her. " Oh, you've met the others. These are the ones i talked about." Chloe said smiling at me, she softly waved at Erica. " Yeah, I know them." I said looking back at her. My hand on Erica's head. Chloe smiled at her and ushered her out from behind me. " Who's that?" Lauren asked again. " Oh sorry. I'm Chloe, I live bout three houses down from you. Yn and Erica you probably already know." Erica ran back to me at the mention of her name.

Ally bent down, her, I was willing to let Erica meet. " Erica, this is aunt Ally. She won't hurt." I said with my usual voice, not wanting to come off weak. " Hi, you're name is Erica?" Ally said as Erica walked to her and nodded. She touched Ally's hair and smiled. " I like your hair." She commented. Chloe awe'd and looked at Lauren. " And the rest of you are?" Normani talked, " I am Normani, but you can call me Mani. This is Dinah, Camila and Lauren." She pointed to each of them. Brad came towards Chloe with a smirk. He took her hand and kissed it. " The names Brad, what's a pretty lady like you doing standing around here. We could go have some fun." I tensed at his words and just as I was about to say something she pulled her hand out of his and gave him a disgusted look. " Uhm... I'm gay." She commented which made me shocked. " You are?" I asked surprised. She tensed and turned to me. " Uhm yeah. Don't look at me differently. Please." I shook my head and gave a little smile. " No no, I'm gay too." She smiled and nodded. I went to say something else but Lauren interrupted me by yelling, " so am I." She looked between me and Chloe. Ally was laughing with Erica and Sindi. " Aren't you with Brad?" I questioned her but she shook her head no.

It was a quiet few minutes until Chloe spoke. " Why don't you all join me for dinner? It's just me and my sister in the house and I'd like to think of it as a welcome gift." She smiled. I nodded and so did Ally. We all agreed to go freshen up and come.

Me and Erica went home and waited for the time since we've already freshened up. We walked out of the house, my gun in its holster around my waist. I refused to give it to them when we got in. " How do you like it around here Yn?" Erica asked as she slipped along the road. I nodded, " it's a good place. We could make it even better." She smiled and jumped infront of me, walking backwards. " You're always worrying, relax a bit." I sighed and nodded even though I know I wont do that.

I knocked on the door of Chloe's house. The door swung open to reveal a short girl with glasses. " So you're the famous Yn?" She asked smugly. I nodded as she let us in. " Heard about me already?" She nodded and motioned to the kitchen, where Chloe was. The girls all sat around her. " You're late Yn." Chloe humoured, coming to give me a hug. I didn't hug back.

" She's always late." Lauren challenged while smiling at me. A subtle glare in her eye. Ally came over and smiled at me. " I'm glad you're okay Yn. We were so worried." I nodded and looked at the others. Lauren walked up to me. " Could we speak?" She asked. I looked at the others and nodded.

She started speaking as soon as the door closed. " Yn I'm so sorry for the way i yelled at you back in the RV. I was stressed and took it out on you. I shouldn't have done that nor did I have the right to." She said all while looking down. I sighed and nodded. " Yeah, I overreacted a bit as well. It's just, Na, forget about it. I forgive you." She sighed and gave me a smile. " For the record, I'm technically bisexual." She joked as we went back in.

* Time skip. Dinner is served.*

" So Yn, why don't you tell us about yourself. Before this and now." Chloe asked. I sighed and started. " Well, before all of this, I was a hell of a good delivery girl. Did it all. I think I'm still 19. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm intersex." I said trying to think of anything else, " I lived with my brother and step-father who..." I trailed off, remembering all the scars on my body. Mostly on my back. " Uhm yeah, that's all." Erica was minding her own business. Eating food. " And you girls? You came together." Dinah smiled. " We were singers, in a girl group." Chloe smiled, seeming impressed. " Woah, I would never have guessed." We chatted on while eating until it was time to go home.

Chloe walked us all out, she stopped me as the girls waved and started walking off. I saw Lauren glancing behind her every so often. " I had a lot of fun tonight. Even though I barely know you." She joked. I smiled and nodded looming at Erica. " Ya, it was good to relax a bit." We bid our goodbyes and walked home.


So, my birthday was today, ( 04/03/06) and almost nobody remembered. And people ask me why I don't like my birthday. Pfft, anyhow, enjoy ya day/night


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