part twenty - Pregnancies

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It's been a few months since the run we went on, Lauren didn't want us to go on another run since so we stayed home.

Ella had sadly gone but when we were looking through her office we found blueprints with a note, addressed to me.

' Yn

I know we only just met but in this short time I got to know you. Not the you that you put out there when you're fighting or when you gotta make tough decisions.

I got to know the true leader, the kind person who'd do anything for her people. You've proved to me that you're one of the good ones and I've seen you do your work with the people of Hillvalley.

I would like for you to take over when I'm gone, to care for these people as if they're your own. I'd like you to build this community into something extraordinary.

Let it fly, let it glow.

I trust you with this, Yn.


I wasn't keen at first but Kara practically begged me to fulfill her mother's last whishes.

And that's how we're here now. I sent a few people on a run to collect some supplies while I take a group out and start building up the extended walls. We have been doing good, a lot of progress.

I stood to the side as they lifted the last piece of zink to the top of the wall, hammering it in place. We've put up supports and made sure the walls stood to withstand almost anything. The group I had sent has just arrived so I made my way towards the gate, when I walked in I saw Kara hand Lauren something which she shoved into her jean pocket and walk off.

" what was that?" I questioned her when we got closer. She seemed shocked when I nodded towards where Lauren left to. " oh uh, she asked me to grab her something while we were in town." Kara said looking at the guys loading off. " what did you get her?" I asked, suspicion bubbling in my voice. Kara turned to me and stayed silent. " it's a secret. I can't tell you." Was her answer before she walked towards the truck.

I turned back to where Lauren walked off to but shrugged it off and went back to the building site.


I was sat waiting anxiously, my knee bouncing up and down. " calm down Laur." Mani tried to reassure as she looked down at the pregnancy test in my hand.

I had been feeling off for a few weeks and felt as if I've put on some weight. I've been nauseous and tired. My mood has been up and down and I've missed my period. I shrugged it off as just the change in life but I was supposed to hit my period yesterday, I never happened.

I looked back down at the test and gasped when I saw it. Oh shit. " what am I gonna do? What if Yn doesn't want children? What if she leaves me?" I rambled as Mani took the test.

" listen girl. That woman loves you more than you can imagine. She'd feel so honoured to be having a baby with you, she'd never leave you. But you have to tell her soon as you can." Mani said. I nodded and went to say something but was cut off.

" tell who what?" Dinah questioned as she rounded the corner into the bathroom with a chocolate bar in hand. " uhm-" I got cut off once again when she saw the test in Mani hand. " Babe, are you pregnant?" She yelled smiling. Mani laughed hard but shook her head and pointed to me.

" aw I can't wait to be an aunt, Yn must be so excited!" Dinah yelled and went to make an exit but Mani stopped her. " she doesn't know yet. I've only just found out." I told her. " how long?" Was her next question. I wasn't completely sure but it seemed that I had been 2 months in before noticing.

I held up my fingers in a peace sign indicating 2. " weeks?" She sounded relieved but stopped when I corrected her. " oh you gotta tell her." She said again.

" tell me what?" Came the next voice that rounded the corner. I started feeling panicked but she soon saw the test in my hand and looked up at me. I gave Mani a look which made her and Dinah leave. " you're pregnant?" She questioned. I nodded feeling the tears start. " oh no baby. What's wrong, it's okay if you're pregnant." She said dropping to her knees in front of me as I sat on the closed toilet. She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. " I didn't think you'd want a child." I sobbed out. She pulled away and looked at me. " baby, as long as it's with you then I am more than happy. I'll care for my kid as much as I would myself. I love you Lauren." Was all she had to say for me to burst out in tears once more.

We spent the rest of the day walking around and going to the doctor to see if we'd be able to see something. It was a good day, I was happy to have the love of my life with me and carrying our little baby.

We went to the rest of the girl's houses to tell them. Ally was the most excited, talking about knitting him or her a little frog hat for when they're born.

Dinah and Mani was talking about trying for one too and I couldn't be happier with my life as is.


I feel an ending comingggg. Prob Abt two or so chapters left in this bitch.


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