part eight - promise

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Me and Chloe have been getting to know one another over the 2 weeks I've been here. I asked her to accompany me to a night out and it all went from there.

Now we're somewhat together but I haven't actually asked her. I was getting ready to go on a supply run with Chloe and two other men. We needed to get more medicine and the only place near was a big storage unit for a nearby mall. We hoped there was at least some Medicine left there.

" You ready to go?" Chloe smiled as she put her arms around my neck. I smiled at her and nodded, we started walking to the gate when I heard someone shouting my name. I turned to see Lauren running up to me. " Yn..." She sounded out of breath.

" Are you okay? Something happen?" She shook her head and grabbed the sleeve of the jacket I was wearing. She pulled my wrist up and slid something on it. " Yn... Promise me you'll come back save. Alive." She sounded somewhat sad. I didn't look at my wrist. Instead I gazed into her eyes. I feel something every time she looks up at me with those shiny green orbs of hers. I just couldn't quite decipher what it was. " I'll come back." I said and turned but she pulled me back. I could see she was fighting with herself. " No, promise me you'll come back to us. To... To me. " She looked down not wanting to meet my eyes.

" I promise Lauren." My voice was soft. I have never used that tone in anyone. Not even Chloe. She nodded as Chloe called my name. I turned and jogged to the truck, hopping into the back of the truck. I finally let myself look at my wrist, it was a neatly braided bracelet, green and blue. I smiled and looked back into the Gate, catching a last glimpse of Lauren before they close.


I felt so worried. I kept walking past the gate, waiting for that truck to race back in and for yn to hop off and pull me into a big hug. I don't know why but she makes me feel something. Everytime I look at her I feel my heart melt away. It's bad enough that she's in love with Chloe.

A day has passed and I was getting anxious. Just as I was about to lose my shit I heard a familiar voice yell to open the gates. It was the voice of one of the guys that went with. They drove in and I waited for yn to hop off but instead I saw someone's hand hanging from the truck's side. A familiar blue and green braid, now stained with blood, sat around their wrist.

" No, it can't be." I whispered to myself as Mitch, the doctor, rushed to the truck and helped one of the boys carry Yn to the infirmary. I followed, tears in my eyes. The boy came out, blood all over him. I looked at him and sniffed, " what ... What happened." He looked conflicted. " We uh... We went in after checking if it was all clear, each of us had a section to clear before we go in but Chloe didn't clear her's very well. We went in and as we were packing stuff up a drone came out of nowhere and grabbed Chloe. She screamed and Yn tried to help her but she was panicking, swinging her gun left and right, trying to shoot the walker. She shot Yn making her fall to the ground as more came out of nowhere. The walker took a hug chunk out of Chloe's cheek while we helped Yn up. She wanted to turn back for Chloe and the supplies but we forced her to come. She passed out on the way back. " He shook his head, tears in him eyes, " I though she died." I patted his back and nodded. " It's okay. You helped her get back, you saved her.

" Lauren? You wanna see Yn?" Mitch interrupted. I jumped and ran into the room. She lied still, eyes closed. The bracelet still in her arm. I sighed and sat next to her. " Yn, you promised to come back save and alive. Does this look save to you, huh? What was I supposed to do if they came back with your dead body? You can't keep putting yourself at risk for others Yn, think about yourself for once, think about the people that love you, what'll happen to them if you die? Think about..." My rant got cut short when I felt a squeeze in my hand. I looked at Yn to see her eyes open. That was fast.

" Well, I'm alive. Aren't I?" She said smiling at me. I wiped my tears and slapped her arm. She chuckled.

" Lauren, I won't leave you that easily. I'm not leaving your side unless you want me to. I don't know why but... I feel some kind of way with you. I'm not sure what it is but-" I cut her ramble short with a soft kiss. She kissed back, leaning up but instantly groans. Pain shooting across her face.


I can't believe it. She kissed me but my stupid ass had to ruin it. She jumped up and yelled for the doctor. He came in surprised to see me awake. " That was fast." I nodded once the pain subsided. He checked me up and all, after he made me get some sleep.


Yuh. They ain't gone start being all lovey lovey instantly but it's getting there. So hang on, it's coming.

Anyhow, have a good day/ night.

See y'all on the brighter end.


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