part eighteen - run

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It has been about 2 days since we left. It was me, Dinah, Kara, a guy named Max and another named Zayn. We were currently held up in a little convenience store waiting for a horde to pass by.

Dinah was sat next to me as I watched the dragging bodies walk by the half boarded windows. I heard her sigh and look at something in her hand.

I reached into my pocket and took out the polaroid picture I had taken of Lauren and looked at it. Dinah saw it and held her hand out to see, I placed it in her hand and looked at her while she observed it. " when did you take it?" She whispered. I looked back at it as she handed it back, " the day we had to leave." I sighed thinking about what Lauren said.

" Mani gave this back." She held out her hand and clutched between her index finger and thumb was Mani's ring. I took it from her with yet another sigh. " looks like we're both back to square one." I held the ring back out to her. She looked at me and shrugged, " they'll come around. Ally and Camila did so I don't understand why they took it so hard." Dinah whispered again, I nodded as I recalled Lauren saying that she's done. What did that mean, did she leave me?

" Mani said she would consider putting the ring back on once we walk through that gate and prove to her that neither one of us has a single scratch." She sighed, I nodded, " Lauren mentioned that she's done with me." I said to which Dinah nodded. " she told Mani that her last option was to try and get you to stay back with sex or something. She told her that if it didn't work then she'd be over with you officially." She said shaking her head. " Mani tried the same trick on me." It fueled the anger to know that they were scheming like this behind our backs.

I shoved the picture back in my pocket and leaned my head back, " why does everything have to be this fucked up with love. That's why I never wanted something like this." I groaned softly. Dinah sighed for the hundredth time, " do you think she was being serious? Leaving me and all?" She asked, I could tell that this took a toll on her so I swung my arm over her shoulder and shrugged. " she loves you D, I can see it in her." She gave me a half smile but still booked back down to the ring.

She gave yet another sigh before slipping the ring into her pocket. We sat there in silence for a while longer until we didn't hear the groans anymore. Time to go again.


She had actually walked off and just left. Mani had told me that she broke it off with Dinah when it all didn't work but I could see how hard she was taking it, she thought it would make Dinah want to stay back, as did I when I told her that I was done. Thinking back, I shouldn't have handled it that way.

I was worried about her but of course I basically broke if off with her before she went into the warzone. I really do hope she comes back safe.

In the meantime we've been getting to know others around here. Ella had placed in washing with this guy, Trev, and we've been talking, getting along well.

Right now I was headed over there to go do my daily. I walked in and grabbed a basket full of vegetables, walking to the sink. " hey girl." Trev said, already busy. I gave him a smile, " hey, Trev, already busy?" I let the sink fill halfway before starting. He hummed and turned to me, " so Lauren, do you wanna come over to mine tonight? You know, have some dinner and chat." I gave him another smile and nodded. " I'll be there."


" go, I'll be there!" I yelled to Dinah as I fired shots, making these bunch of bitches turn to me, " come on fuckers!" I yelled. I saw Dinah help max walk towards the bar we were headed to before we got cut off.

We had left when the groans stopped in hopes of getting to some supplies before dark but got cut off when we were headed to a supermarket. We ran towards a bar but max and I got cut off again, we took an alleyway but had to jump a fence. His leg got caught on a loose wire and he cut himself from below his knee up to his upped thigh. I helped him to Dinah and them but we didn't have enough time so I started distracting them.

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