part nine - feelings

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I've been recovering, I'm almost fully recovered. Lauren hasn't left my side since the day in the infirmary. We haven't talked about the kiss, nor did we do it again.

It was just a peaceful, friendly relationship but I know I wanted it to be more. Everytime I look at Lauren I feel my heart melt. Normal, everyday things remind me of her. I keep seeing her gorgeous eyes, her smile flash through my brain. If I'm working and I get tired I think of her and think ' I'm doing this for her'. Each second I get to see her, I get to hear her laugh, or to hear her talk about something, is my favourite. I feel a different type of loneliness when Im not with her. Like my heart knows it wants her but it can't have her. She's slowly becoming the most important thing to me.

I walked down the cement path, Erica was off playing with Sindi. They've become quite close over the time we've been here. I was heading to where we were gonna start some new crops, Denise was standing near the wall. It was pulled apart slightly. " The crops are coming in great eh?" I asked her, she turned to me with a frown. " Yeah um. I'm a little worried about the walls. My husband built them and I had full trust in his abilities but, he's not here to repair any damage done to them." She put her hand up to the slightly parted plates and sighed. " You think it can hold us any longer?" I asked her, she shrugged. " It'll hold. Unless there's force that'll make it topple. I don't know, we'll have to see." She turned and started walking away, leaving me slightly confused.

I shrugged it off and grabbed a pickaxe, helping the people who was already working.


I was walking through the town looking for yn when Denise walked by. " Hey uhm, have you seen Yn around?" I asked her. She looked kind of pale but nodded pointing to the crops. I walked over to see her working. Helping the rest of them. " Hey, you should still be resting." I said as I neared her. She turned to look at me and smiled slightly. " I'm doing alright. I can't let these people do all the hard work." I sighed and nodded as I sat down on a overturned crate near the wheelbarrow.

" Denise looked bad when I saw her. Know anythi-" my words were cut short when we heard a bang and someone calling Yn. She immediately started running towards the gate. Andrew, who was on watch aimed while yelling. " What? What happened?" Yn yelled as she climbed the ladder up.

" Oh shit." She muttered once she was standing upright. I yelled for her to tell me what it was but she was frozen. I climbed up myself to see.

When I got there I saw walkers heading for the gate. Not a dozen or two. Maybe 20 dozen or so. Some were already nearing the gate. We were screwed.


So yessss the walls will fall. But noooo, nobody important will die. There'll be a lot of deaths tho. Also, sorry for killing Chloe off like that. She was a good character but was also a slight interference with what I had planned.

Also I've been reading books where people do like a sort of ' question of the day' type of thing. I wanted to try and work in something like that.

So first question is:

If you could choose one of the 5 girls to have grown up with, who would it be?

My answ:

I'd personally choose Dinah or Normani because I feel like I'd fit in there more than with the others though it would be awesome to grow up with the others.

Anyhow have a great day/night.


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