part 11 - time on

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It has been a few days since we go to this farm. It wasn't a big farm but it had a few dead around. Tho we've come to notice that the dead don't come this way much. Here and there.

Right now I was in the kitchen with Ally and Camila, we were making some lemonade from some powder we found. Normani was on watch and Yn and Dinah was out by the fence. They've been working on the fences ever since we got there.

We found some wire in the barn just outside the house and they decided that it would do great to fix all the holes in the fence until we can figure out a better solution.

I put the three glasses along with mine on a serving tray and headed out. I made a stop by Mani, she was on top of a platform we found in a tree, keeping watch. "Mani, we made some lemonade. " I looked up to see her looking through some binoculars. I immediately knew what she was looking at as she came down, face red. " great view huh?" I asked seeing her look confused. " I mean, Dinah has a good ass-" she cut me off by clicking her cheek and slapping my arm slightly.

" Lauren, I was making sure they were safe. I see it's really warm out there tho." She gave me a smirk as she took one of the glasses and climbed back up.

I walked towards them, looking down so I don't loose my footing on the uneven ground but when I glanced back up I saw Yn working on the fence. Pulling the wire to close the gap, she was wearing some cactus green cargo pants that hung low on her tall, lean figure. Her upper half was deprived of a shirt, only a black sports bra covered her chest. Dinah sported the same look. Now I know what normani was drooling over.

" what have you got there?" Yn asked after making sure the wire won't pull apart. " I uh, I made some lemonade." My eyes traveled over her body as Dinah came over. They took a glass each and started chugging it. " hey so, how long do you think it'll take for you to finish up here? We're running out of supplies and I thought it'd be good for you and I to go on a run. " I asked Yn, prying my eyes off of her toned abs and her exposed v-line. She smiled and placed her empty glass on the tray. " give me a few minutes to put the tools away, then we can go." I nodded and turned to Dinah with a smirk. " hey Dinah, Mani said to tell you that your abs look scrumptious." I saw her turn red as I spun around and started walking back, making sure to swing my hips because I know Yn was looking.


I watched her walk away, her ass swinging from side to side. I smiled to myself as I turned to grab the pliers and wire cutters. " so, when are you gonna make that yours?" Dinah asked as we walked back to the barn. My shirt was hanging from my shoulder. " when you make that yours." I pointed to where mani was, on the platform, with the pliers. Dinah laughed and nodded, " touche."

We put the stuff away and headed out separate ways. Dinah was going to Mani and I was going to go see if Lauren was ready to head out. I pulled my shirt over my head as I walked into the house and came across Lauren in the kitchen with Ally. I didn't see Camila around. "Ready to head out?" I asked her, she smiled and nodded bidding Ally goodbye. I grabbed the keys from the counter and walked out and towards the car. " hey Normani! We're gonna head out, be back in about 2 hours or so!" I yelled as I got into the car and started it up.

We drove to the gate and before I could, she jumped out and opened the gate, I drove out and she closed the gate again. I smiled at her when she got back in.

" so, where to first?"

*Time skip*


We were currently in a supermarket in the town near the farm. There wasn't much but we got some stuff here and there. Lauren walked to another ilse and squealed. I rushed to the ilse, my gun out but came to a stop when I saw Lauren holding a bag of unpopped popcorn. I smiled, remembering the stargazer I saw in the attic of the farm house. " you wanna check if they've got some more stuff before we head back? It's already starting to get late. I told Mani we're only gonna take a few hours." She smiled a huge smile and shoved the popcorn into her bag.

We continued down the ilse and grabbed what we could. We got a few bottles of water, some pop and, of course, the popcorn. Canned food and other stuff was shoved into our bags before we started leaving, making our way back.

At home we started packing the stuff away with the rest of the girls. Of course they were all excited about the popcorn and started thinking about what we could do. " when I was clearing out the house I saw a boxed up stargazer in the attic. We could set it up and sit around a fire." I suggested. Everyone got excited until they realized that none of them know how to work with a stargazer. " I know, I know a lot about stargazers."

*Time skip*

I made a fire out in the front of the house and was now busy putting up the stargazer and adjusting the lenses. Lauren came and stood next to me as I glanced through the eyehole.

" so, how do you know so much about stargazers?" She questioned when I smiled successfully. I smiled, remembering my school friend, " I had this friend, in high school. He was, what everyone would call a nerd, but he was my friend. He taught me the basics of stargazing." She smiled and nodded. " you've never really talked to me about your past, before all this." I smiled tensely. I didn't know what to say, thankfully the girls came running out giggling. Popcorn in hand.

We were now taking turns looking through the stargazer. Next up was me and Lauren while the girls stayed in awe. I pointed the stargazer at a group f stars and started talking. ( it's a group of 3 stars, I don't know if it's story is known right around the world but my mother used to tell me a story about these three stars.) " that right there is called the three sisters, those stars represent the sisters who lived lon ago, they were magically kind, as people would describe. They would always help the helpless and heal the broken. Some believe they had the power to bring kindness and happiness wherever it's needed. After their death their spirits joined hands and took their place amongst the other stars, like the five kings and the southern cross, till this day they watch over the people, doing their deed as the protectors." I smiled as I glanced up at the sky, full of stars." I used to talk to these stars as I would talk to the moon, asking them to rid me of my pain and heal me of all I've gone through. My mother told me, before she died, that those sisters would answer my pleads one day. I, sometimes, wonder if they've heard my requests."

When I glanced at Lauren I found her looking up at me with a big, bright smile on her face. " Yn, thank you for sharing that." Ally said, putting her hand on my arm but I was too mesmerized by Lauren's eyes to feel anything around me. They were even prettier than the moon who shone full of pride, in the night sky. I smiled at her, a genuine smile and looked back at the moon, whispering.

" Oh when the moon took her place in the sky she felt so guilty.

She knew that for her to reclaim that glorious pose in the darkened sky, the sun had to sacrifice herself.

Disappearing down, behind the horizon of the earth, taking her warmth with her.

The moon always hoped that one day she would rise and claim her rightful place, next to her queen.

The sun gazed up at her love, a shine of proudness as she watched her love reclaim her rightful place. Illuminating the nightly sky.

Oh how she wished to be right next to her, feeling her light radiating off of her.

They dreamed of being in one another's embrace, to feel one another close.

But, they knew that their love would never bloom, for their places was apart.

The sun had to give light to all that needed to grow and flourish.

While the moon had to listen to those with a broken heart, feeling the same feeling of longing.

Oh how they wished to be together.

If not in this life, maybe in the next life."

I sighed as I finished, feeling the nightly breeze caress my face. I felt a hand on my arm, then a head resting on my shoulder. " that was pretty." She said as we heard shuffling from behind us. I glanced back to make sure it's nothing only to see Normani wrapped up in Dinah's embrace while Camila and Ally sat a bit away giggling.

For once I felt at home, not a place where I felt safe. But, people who make me feel as if I belong. I put my arm over Lauren's shoulder and smiled glancing up at the sky.


So I've gained a newfound passion for this book.

Lemme know what you think.

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