part twenty one - life as is

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* 9 years later*

I ran through a big tomato farm while laughing softly. I could hear the kid giggles come from behind me as Elisabeth chased after me. I 'tripped' making her reach her mother before I did and giggle loudly. I smiled as I got up and walked towards them. " And I beat you again mama. You really have to stop tripping over yourself." My 8 year old daughter told me as I dusted off my shirt. " Yeah okay okay. Watch your back next time Beth, Mama's coming for that trophy." I poked her side as my other arm picked her up. Lauren smiled as her hand found mine.

I smiled as I groaned, feeling my back being tight. Lauren laughed as we made our way to Dinah's house. " Mama can't keep running after you like this, she's getting old." She smiled and held her hand up signalling a 3 and a 0. " Har har, guess whose time is coming." We rounded the corner to Dinah's. They were seated outside on the porch with ally and Camila. Their son was born just before beth was, Rebel Jane Hansen.

We sat down with them while beth and rebel played in the street. We talked and laughed until I heard Beth let out a cry and come running to me. She jumped in my lap and showed me her scraped knee. Rebel came up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek while smiling. " Don't cry Beth, you'll be okay." I was surprised but smiled softly. " Now hey, don't be kissing my babygirl like that son. You can only kiss her once you've learned to pee through a solid brick." I playfully warned him. He blushed and looked at Dinah. Lauren slapped me upside the head when the boy turned to Dinah. " mama can't pee through a brick but she married my mommy." He said confused. I let Beth get off again once I finish dabbing the blood from her knee with my shirt. " Your mommy ain't my daughter son." Again Lauren clapped my head while Dinah was crying laughing.

They ran off together, hand in hand. " you're breaking the little boy's character." Mani scolded to which Lauren agreed. Dinah wiped a tear from her eyes, " no one is good enough for my little princess." I told her jokingly. I knew they'd somehow end up together, " aw c'mon, you know I'm kidding. I trust that lil kid with my daughter. I just like to bust his nuts sometimes." I said when Lauren gave me a disapproving look.

" did you just hear what yn had to say about my boy?" Dinah tried to sound mad. Kara, who just walked up to us, gave me a look, " Yn always trying to break the boy's heart." Camila smiled as she looked at kara. " I was joking." I laughed and looked back at my daughter. She sat with her legs thrown over Rebel's lap while she 'tanned' in the sun. The exact same position Lauren and I were in. I nudged Dinah and pointed to them, " I mean c'mon. Look at them." She looked at them then at us. " leave the children be, not like they can have babies by now." Mani meant it as a joke but my head snapped to Dinah's. She snickered and gave me a wink.

We spent the rest of the day sitting around and talking. It was getting dark but we still sat. Beth was now cuddled up in my lap fast asleep while rebel sat and played with some wooden cars. It was all perfect in this moment.

I looked around at mt friends with a smile. They were all laughing and enjoying themselves. I was finally in a place where I didn't have to constantly run or watch my back. My friends and family could have normal days and not worry about their children or loved ones being ripped from their arms.

" I finally found it." I smiled up at the sky. My mind went back to a memory.

* Flashback*

I sat in the abandoned cabin with my knees pulled up to my chest, hope was sat next to me looking at the bottle of water she had in her hand. " Do you think we'll ever find a safe place to stay in?" She asked. I coule barely hear her soft voice over the rain falling on the roof.

I gave her a look and shrugged. " I don't know. I don't even know if I'm gonna make it a year, or a month. Hell I don't even know if I'm gonna be alive next week. I wish I could tell you that we'll find a place, where we'd be able to have families and friends. Where we don't need to worry about losing our life to a simple bite." I told her. She turned to me and lied her head on my shoulder, " one day we will find something like that. You're strong, you know how to fight and to protect. I would have never come this far without you, Yn. You're gonna find a safe haven with or without me. " She said which made me look at her now, she didn't lift her head. " I'll do anything in my power to protect you, Hope. We will find it together." She now lifted her head and gave me a smile. " Even if I don't make it, keep me in the loop h
Eh." She patted my knee and lied her head back down.

* End of flashback*

I wish Hope could be here now to see the place I found and how I've improved it. I wish I could introduce my family to her but I know she's in a place where she's watching me with a smile.

I looked back at my family, it was perfect. The life I now had, it was the one I've dreamt of. I had the perfect place to live with my wonderful wife and daughter. I have my best friends all around me and we don't ever have to worry about something bad happening.

This is the life, my life.


So i rewrote the last part, I hope its better than what I had at first. Lemme know.


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