part two - intros

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I learned that the green eyed girl was Lauren, the brown, curly haired one, Camila. The short one was Ally. The Polynesian was Dinah and the dark skinned girl was Normani.

We were walking through the woods. After the whole gas station thing I decided to bring them along. Keep them safe as long as I can.

Lauren was walking next to me, she looked me up and down before smiling to herself. " What you lookin at me for like that?" I asked, my hand resting on the handle of the machete. She shook her head, " you look like crap." I looked at her before shaking my head, hiding the small smile. " Damn, that's how it is?" I joked. She shrugged and went to say something but stayed silent when we head a crack of a branch. My gun was instantly in my hand, held up to where the sound came from. I waited silently for a walker to come around the bush but all that came was a small, thin deer. I sighed and put my gun back. Turning to continue walking.

" Where are we going?" Camila questioned no one in particular. " We don't know, but don't worry. Yn will help us stay safe." Ally told her as we neared the end of the forest. Onto a clean, open field. I hushed them amd peeked out from behind the tree to make sure we're alone in the opening.

Once I cleared it we started across it, on the far end was a highway that led to and from the big city. " So have you been out here by yourself all this time?" Dinah questioned me, I stayed silent for a while. " I had a group." Flashbacks came down on me as I recalled each of their deaths. My mood went instantly sour. I walked faster and hauled myself over the short railing, then helped Ally over.

" Were are they? What happened?" She pressed me but I ignored her and started trying each of the cars handles. I found a car unlocked but it had little to no fuel. They took my motion and set their stuff down near the car as I tried busting open one of the nearer car's petrol cap. It opened with a loud squeaking sound, I screwed it open and smiled. " So?" Dinah said as I got back to the car. " So what?" I said as I took the keys out and walked to the boot hoping to find a canister and a pipe. " Where are they?" She asked more clearly as if I didn't understand the first time.

I turned to her, a warning look on my face as I grabbed what I needed out of the boot and slammed it shut, I passed them and mumbled out to her, " they're all dead."

The rest of the time I spent transferring the gas from that car to ours was silent. I loaded all out stuff into the car's boot and motioned for them to get in. Here we go.

* Time skip*

The whole time we were driving was silent until Dinah spoke up again. " How many were you?" I glanced at her through the mirror and sighed. " We were seven, excluding myself. " I gave in. Everyone sat up, listening to me. " It was me and my brother Daniel. Then there was Robert and his son, Cam. A couple, Guss and Milly. Then there was a girl named Hope and lastly was Audrey." I though back to each of them. " How'd they die?" Ally asked softly but still curiously.

" We were camping as a storage unit, there was tall fences all around and we had cleared out all the drones on the inside. It was all going well, we ate and laughed. Until we heard the growls and moans from behind. We tried to run, most of us got away but one of them had a tight grip on Hope. She was barely holding him back, Audrey ran to help her but as she was pulling the walker off of Hope another bit right into her shoulder. We got out but Audrey didn't want to run, instead she made us run while she fought some of them to stall. We didn't see her turn or get ripped apart. All we heard was her, screaming for us to go." I said, the scene flashing through my memory. " Oh heavens, I'm sorry you had to go through that." Ally rubbed my shoulder softly as I held onto the steering wheel tightly.

" Daniel wasn't the best of people. Him and Guss went out on a supply run when we still had Audrey's Volkswagen bus. On the trip they came across Robert and his son. Begging for help so they helped them but Daniel then acted out and threatened Robert. He knocked him out amd left him in a storage room to fend for himself. " I simply said as if it was an ordinary thing. Then, Cam's Story came.

" Cam was... He was just a little kid. Not understanding what was happening. After the storage unit and Audrey he went mad and started acting out. We were camping in a car we found on the road. We had nowhere to go, nothing to eat and drink. Earlier Cam said that he could hear water running. We told him that we'd go and check in the morning because going out in the dark ain't a good idea but he got mad. When we were all sleeping he got out of the car and tried looking for it himself. Found him the next morning by the water he was talking about, he was bitten and turned during the night. Robert didn't have the balls to end it so I had to do it. Put a bullet right in the kid's head." I explained Cam's death. They were silent but didn't reject when I went on. " Robert was... He was like a brother to me, a real brother. He couldn't think straight after that, a week or so went by and we had come across a small house in an opening. He found some whiskey and tried to drink his problems away. Stumbled out into the open in the middle of the night and got caught. We heard him screaming for help and when we found him, the drone was chomping away as his guts as he screamed and cried. Guss ended him." I could feel the lump in my throat grow bigger and bigger but I continued.


That's a wrap for now.

Cya in the next one.

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