part ten - walls

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Everyone was running around, going wild. I tried calming them but they won't listen to me, the drones were already at the wall. Pushing and scratching to get in. It was going to fall and we all knew it. I didn't know what to do so I ran to the house. The girls were there, Lauren had already told them what happened. " Yn, what's gonna happen?" Erica asked me but I couldn't answer. I looked at the girls. " Okay we have to work fast. Ally, I'ma ask you to grab as many bags as you can, fill them up with the food and necessities in the house. Camila, take Erica and go check the car's nearby, find one that's in good condition and bring it to the house. Dinah and Normani, go check the weapons room, take as much as you can without taking it all and bring it back here. Remember to grab the bullets and knives too. Lauren, with me." They all ran in the direction I sent them.

" What are we gonna do?" Lauren asked me, we neared the wall. We got to the part where Denise and I talked earlier. I turned to her but before I could mutter a single word a crash was heard and dust filled the air. I couldn't see clearly infront of me. " Lauren? Where are you?" I asked aloud but didn't hear anything, just the groans of the dead. I started panicking and rushed around looking for her. " Lauren! Lau-" I found her. She was lying on the ground. Her head was bleeding. A piece of the broken wall had hit her over the head and made her fall unconscious. " Shit shit shit. No. Everyone run!!" I yelled as I lifted Lauren off of the ground, carrying her bridal style. I ran in the direction I felt the house was in. After some running, my lungs were burning and my legs felt like jelly but soon I started seeing clearly. Just a block of so from the house so I pushed through. When I got there I saw Ally and Camila loading bags into the boot, Dinah was running from the opposite direction with Mani following. They had big bags with them as well.

" Get in! Everyone needs to get in the car right now!" I yelled as I opened the back door and softly put Lauren in. Ally got in from the other side, letting Lauren rest on her. Dinah and Normani squished into the last open seat while Camila got infront, Erica on her lap. I started the car once I got it and pulled away heading straight for the gate. It was left open by the other people who tried fleeing. We didn't look back, nor did we say anything. We just drove.


My head was pounding, I tried opening my eyes but failed. Instead a bright light shone at me, blinding me as if my eyes were open. " You need to wake up Lauren." I heard someone say. I tried looking for the person. " Wha...who are you?" I asked once my eyes found the source.

It was a young girl with blonde hair, blue eyes. " You need to wake up." She was a bit younger, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. There was a gash on her cheek, her skin was pale but not dead pale. I couldn't think straight because the next thing i see is Ally in my face shaking me. " Lauren, you need to wake up!" She yelled as my eyes opened fully. " She's awake. She's okay." She yelled while pulling me into her, hugging me. I looked around, expecting to see the living room of our house or the ground of the sanctuary but instead I saw the dirty roof of a car. I felt a hand on mine.

" I'm so glad you're okay." Yn said looking down. I smiled slightly, we were on the side of a road somewhere. Not anywhere near the sanctuary. " What, where are we?" My voice came out soft but raspy. Camila sighed. " The walls fell. We had to flee." She said as if it was her own fault. " I'm sorry. I really thought I could make Mandaria a safe place. For us to stay in. If the walls only held a bit longer." She sounded troubled. Her hand loosened. " You did more than enough, you risked yourself to save Lauren and us. Multiple times. We'd be dead right now if it weren't for you Yn." Normani said from beside Dinah. Dinah was leaning against the car, her arms crossed.

Yn seemed to think for a while. Then stood up from where she was crouched, holding my hand as I sat in the backseat of the car. " We can still make us a great place to stay. My plan is to look for a good sized house and go from there. All in or Nah?" She, now, leaned against the open door. Dinah stood, " anything to keep my girls safe. I'll help you all the way Dawg." She put out her hand for yn to shake but instead of shaking her hand she held out her fist. Dinah cracked a smile and fist pumped her.

We got settled. Me and Camila was squished together along with Dinah and Normani in the back seat while ally sat at the front with Erica. Yn drove. We were driving along any road we thought was good, cracking jokes here and there. Talking and all. I thought it'd be a good time to bring the girl I saw up. " So, you won't believe me but, I saw someone while I was out. She told me to wake up." It sounded more weirder when I say it out loud. Ally turned slightly with a smile. " Who? Taylor Swift? Lady Gaga?" I laughed and lightly pushed her face away. Yn laughed and turned to me with a smile " No celebrities. No, she had blonde hair and these bright, big blue eyes. Her skin was fair, a pale that set her features just right. It felt as if I should know who she is." I explained and as soon as the description left my mouth Yn was silent. " Oo, are you in love with your subconscious mind?" Dinah said. Her using fancy words was always funny. " No! No I feel like she somehow knows me and I should know her as well. She wasn't anything near my subconsciousness. She was younger, her voice was soft, with a southern accent. " As I glanced at Yn I saw a slight frown on her face. Her eyes were set on the road. " She sounds interesting." Erica noted as she looked at Yn. " Right Yn?" Yn snapped out of it and looked at her, forcing a smile. " Uh yeah. She sounds amazing. " She looked deep in thought. I stayed silent after that. The rest of them kept on joking about and laughing.

* Time skip*

We've been driving for a while now. Erica and ally fell asleep in the front. Normani was cuddled up to Dinah. It looked as if they had something going on between them.

Yn slowed down and made a turn onto a new road, you could see the tip of what looked like a windmill. The road soon stopped and went onto a dirt road. She turned the corner and stopped infront of a waist hight gate. It looked to be locked with a huge chain and a lock. Yn turned to me, " stay in the car. Don't get out. " She got out and grabbed her gun. Walked to the gate and tugged on the chain. She looked at me and motioned for me to shut my ears. I did so and glanced back at her, she held her gun up to the lock and shot it two times. It fell off, taking the chain with it.

She walked back to the car and got in, starting the car. " Home sweet home." She muttered.


Soooooo, I have almost no idea what should happen next. I've got some stuff I'd like to see happen but it'll take some time. I've got to take some time to myself as well. It's been a rough couple of weeks. School, personal life, my caregivers. Its been a tumble.

But no worries, it'll pass.

Anyhow yuh, have a great day/ night.


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