Chapter 16

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It's early, but I have to wake up for class. Tuesday morning and I have a yogurt on my way to school, stopping my The Busy Bean to grab a cup of joe, getting a smirk from Chance and a smile from Tubline. I nonchalantly walk into speech and take my seat in the front row. I love public speaking and I want everyone to know that. Joey takes his seat next to me, a coffee from The Busy Bean also in his hand, alongside a banana and his textbooks. People fill in the rest of the empty seats as the bell leads us all into our classrooms.

"Good morning, class!" Mr.Rudloff exclaims, writing a word on the board, "Love." He reads, "Every Tuesday there will be a word on the board, and five random students will be chosen to stand up in front of the class and tell what it means to them, or just rant. Get your feelings out."

"How does this help with speaking publicly? It's not a very firm topic or idea, sir." A brunette in the back asks.

"Most people cannot talk about their personal wellness in front of a small amount of people, so getting used to opening up in front of people will help you become stronger in speaking about something you hardly care about. You'll learn to add emotion to your boring speech about the Great Depression and just simply connect more with the audience. But some people are highly talented in giving both types of speeches, others are not." Mr. Rudloff explains, "Miss Oasis, would you like to go first."

I shake my head. I would rather not talk about this.

"You don't have a choice." He laughs, "The podium is yours."

I let out a deep breath walking up to the front of the classroom and I suddenly regret wanting people to know I love public speaking. I clear my throat, "Love is such a cliche word, and I guess in my own little world it's like aliens. You either believe in it and all its doings, or you just listen in on other people conversations, silently rolling your eyes at the profound thought. I've never been a girl of many boyfriends, maybe one in middle school and one in high school, but I've never been in love. 9 months ago. I met a boy named Jordan at MineCon 2014. My chest hurt looking at him and it took me time to realize my longing for him. He was a sad boy. Lonely boy. Kept to himself and only talked when he was wasted kind of boy. I was a good girl, straight A's, a high quality gaming channel and a shy personality in which led me to not having many friends. Someone you would see with a man who has lots of money and his father owns a bank or a business burro. But I loved him. After my first ever one night stand, first every anything with this bad ass of a guy, he told me about himself and his dark past. Things went quick, the convention was over and I was moving into his apartment here in Seattle being kicked out of my own home back in Wyoming. Love to me was great. It meant cute kisses when you woke up in the morning, spontaneous trips to the woods and other adventurous outings, becoming aroused in any situation and having to find ways to control it, and somehow me waiting for him to get home after being wasted. It was my normal. He hurt me once, leaving me alone after getting in a fight begging him not to go to the bar, twice, told him to stop being violent, third time, offered help, fourth time, he told me he was going to help his father, and all of the little times in between. And yet, I would still help him bandage his bloody knuckles after a knock around at the bar. The last time he came home drunk and told me sorry, is when I realized this wasn't my normal. Love to me now is seeing him recovering from his drunken state, and his cute I miss you messages. We aren't dating now, but I plan to love him in the future. I'm giving him one more chance. Love is a game, and if he doesn't get my heart back soon, someone else will." I conclude my speech by walking back to my seat, as the class slowly claps and then they erupt in cheers.

"I don't think anyone could top that, so I'm not even going to consider having someone else come up here." Mr. Rudloff chuckles, "that was amazing, Oasis."

I smile, and Joey tells me good job.

"Your homework tonight is to stand in front of the mirror, and pretend like you're giving a speech to a group of people who have no self confidence and low body positivity." Professor says, completely changing the mood of the classroom.

"Why?" The brunette asks.

"It will benefit the ones who really need to hear it. If you can tell it to a group of people and you want them to believe it, then why not believe it yourself? If you choose not to do the assignment I'll be able to tell. My best friend teaches Psychology and I'm prepared to mess with your minds. Have a good day." He says, and dismisses the class.

Psychology goes by super quick, as Mr. Secharia teaches us the basics behind hypnotics. Jordan asks me how my night went and I replied with a good and a smile. He then proceeded to ask how Chance was which had taken me back.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I heard Tubline talking about you guys playing COD last night, was he good at it?" He replys.

That had my heart going. "Not really." I laugh. But he sure was good at his other call of duty. I add in my head.

Jordan and I talk and then I head back to the apartment and have lunch. Tubline and Chance arrive soon after I do.

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