Chapter 17

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Wednesday morning. I don't have class so I wake up around nine and take a shower. After showering I grab a yogurt from the fridge and head over to The Busy Bean to keep Tubline and Chance company.

"Good morning!" I say, walking in to throw my yogurt cup away in the nearest trash can.

"Hey there, O!" Tubline says, taking care of a customer, "no class today?"

I shake my head, "Wednesday is my free day."

"Then why're you here?" Chance laughs, wiping off tables.

"I've got nothing better to do."

Around 10 the college crowd comes in as usual, and so does Joey.

"Hey Oasis! You coming to the party Friday at Anthony's frat house?" He asks.

"I never knew there was a party. And probably not, I'm not a party girl." I say, picking at my nails.

"Are you sure? Anthony's frat parties are the best there is and you could bring Chance with ya." Joey says, doing some bro head nod with Chance.

"How do you know Chance?" I ask.

"He used to go to Seattle UNI! All of the girls are in love with Chance, but he was the good grade type of guy and they were all sluts. And I'm not using the word lightly," he laughs, "they legit are the definition of a slut. But whose to judge?"

I look up at Chance and he smiles, "I'll go." I smile at Joey.

"Count me in, mate!" Chance says, and with that, Joey leaves.

Chance finishes up with his last customer and heads into the back to take off his apron, and I follow behind him.

"So, planning on having a one night stand Friday?" I ask him.

He laughs, "What?"

"Don't all of the hot frat guys always have a one night stand with some gorgeous rich girl?"

"Yep. But I wasn't planning on having a one night stand," He says, "unless you don't want me to talk to you ever again after Friday night." He smirks, hanging up his apron. I look at him in shock. "I was only kidding." He laughs.

"Out've all of those pretty girls who'll be at this party why do you chose me?" I ask, utterly confused.

Chance and I walk of of the back and outside, "You're the only one I could ever imagine having a fun night with, but I want to wake up to you the next morning and be able to give you kisses and make you breakfast." He says, opening his car door.

I'm blushing like a fool, "I can't say I feel differently. But this is my first proper frat party and I want to experiment." I say.

"Experiment with me." He says.

I laugh, "Promise me you'll let me try a one night stand or at least something new?"

His face goes stern, "I don't want to." He smiles, "but I will."

"Thank you." I smile, giving him a hug.

He waves his hand for me to get in the car, "I know you won't like it." He retorts, backing out of the parking lot.

"Stooop!" I laugh, smacking his knee. He drives me back to the apartment where Tubline is already at and is folding laundry.

Hopelessly - Cube SMP // Bayani // HAPPILY SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now