Chapter 20

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"Oasis!" Chance yells after me, "What're you doing?!"

I try to run up to the scene but a police official holds me back, "I know that white Impala anywhere!" I scream, "its Jordan!"

Chance takes me from the officer and takes me into his arms, "It's Jordan." I cry. The crushed white Impala and the black suburban with a smooshed in front end imprint my mind even when I try to look away.

"Miss?" An officer asks and I turn around to face him, wiping my eyes.

"Do you know any of these people involved in this crash?" He asks.

"I nod. The guy in the white Impala is my, uh, friend, Jordan Todd." I choke at my words.

Chance grabs my shoulder, "The person driving the black suburban is Keaton Stromberg, a friend of mine." He says, and I look up at him.

"They're both still alive and both had alcohol in their system. Jordan didn't reach the legal .08 so he won't be charged with DUI considering he was under the legal limit. Keaton was under the influence with a bac of 0.14, almost two times the legal limit. They've both got injuries, some worse than others and are headed to the Pimplege county Hospital." The officer tells us, relieving us both, "Can I ask where they were coming from?"

Chance swallows, not wanting to give out any information, "Seattle University Frat house number 12."

"Thank you, and what's your name?" He asks.

"I'm Chance Chadwick and this is Oasis Weshor." He says, pointing to me, "And uh, could you please not tell anyone it was me who gave the information?"

"Sure thing. Thank you very much." The officer says. He walks away and starts speaking into his walkie talkie.

The police sirens turn on just as we are about the head out to the hospital. Chance hits every green light as we make our way, my heart thumbing out of my chest. How did this happen? Why did this happen? If nobody would have drank and drive no one would be hurt.

Chance pulls up to the Hospital, and we rush inside, stopping at the front desk.

"Is Jordan Todd here is he okay?" I ask, rushing my words in hope for a pleasing answer.

"Yes he's here, and who are you?" The colored lady asked me from behind the desk.

"I'm his uh, his girlfriend, Oasis Weshor." I say, anything to make sure Jordan is okay.

"Room 217." She says, and Chance and I make our way to that room walking as fast as we possibly can.

I knock on the door and a nurse tells me to come in.

"How is he?" I ask, looking at his scratched up face.

"He's doing good. He had to have 14 stitches in his left arm for it was torn open, scrapes all over his body, and a gash wound of his cheek from shards of glass. He's in lots of pain but he's well aware of everything that's going on." The lady informs me, and then leaves the room.

I stand next to his bed, and he slowly grabs my hand, "Im so sorry." He mumbles.

"No. I'm sorry for not dancing with you at the party like I said I would. None of this would have happened if I would have been around you and I'm sorry for that." I can't help but tear up. But I hate it when Jordan sees me cry, so I fight them back.

He looks at me with his bloodshot hazel eyes, rimmed with tears, "I can dance with you any day I want. I thought I was dead, Oasis. And I realized I wouldn't get to say I love you one last time." Jordan squeezes my hand, "Why're here by my side when I left you when you were hurting?"

My heart drops, "I know how to forgive, Jordan. And I love you."

He manages a smile, but cringes at the pain, "I love you." Jordan says, and I kiss his bloody lip, not having a care in the world.

Chance goes to see Keaton while I sit with Jordan and talk.

"So are you and Chance dating?" He subtly asks.

"No." I reply, messing with Jordan's fingers.

"Do you like each other?"

I nod, "Yes."

He squints his eyes, "Then why don't you date?"

"Because I still love you." I say.

"Oh really?" He questions, "because I still love you too."

Chance walks in, "Keaton's pretty beat up, but he's doing okay. He's got a few broken ribs and might lose his right ear." He tells us, "I'm glad you're okay, Jordan. I don't think Oasis could live without you."

I smile and so does Jordan, "Thanks, man." He says.

"I've gotta go now, okay? But I'll be here in the morning to take you home." I tell Jordan, giving him another kiss.

"Bye. Thanks for showing up, Oasis." He says.

I wave as Chance and I head out the door. He drops me off at home and I tell Tubline what had all happened, and then head to bed. Its 3am.

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