Chapter 44

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okay wow so idk if anyone is still reading this, but I just re-read happily and hopelessly so i thought hey lets just continue it!! a year has gone by so shit may change lmao, but pls if you're reading this pls comment!!!! let me know you're here!!!! i miss talking to you guys as well, so feel free to message me. i love u and miss u guys, but let's get back to business.

Dawson walks in shortly after Jordan does, his jaw is clenched as he brings to speak, "It's hard to give you a break when I'm still out $2,000."

We all quiet down and glance around the room at each other. I had no idea what the hell either of them were talking about and at this point, I really don't want to know. Can a girl get some peace in her life at some point? What age is it where my life maybe finally starts to become normal?

"It was a fucking year ago Dawson, lay off." Jordan shouts from the room him and I are sharing. The microwave beeps and Poke slowly takes a bag of popcorn out, him and Joe laughing due to the awkward circumstances.

Dawson decided to open his big ass mouth again, "And you know what I could've done with two grand in the span of a year?" He walks over the the room Jordan is in and leans on the doorway, "one option could've been to fly over to America and kick your ass."

My heart beings to race at the sound of the words coming out of his mouth. Jordan would beat down anything that even mentions fighting, so this guy better start running for the hills, or stand his ground. I don't want my Jordan getting in a fight, but if this fucker doesn't shut up, I'll fight for him.

"Shut the fuck up Dawson, you lousy piece of shit." Jordan slams the door in his face, and we are all taken a back by the abrupt and loud beating Dawson does to the door. "Open the door you fucking puss!" He shouts, but Straub races over to him, trying to calm him down enough to move him from the door. His actions don't work and soon enough Echo, Liam and Zach are helping as well. Spitting out such profound and uncalled for language and phrases, Dawson is fuming. My mind races with reasons as what could possibly be going on, and not being able to come to a conclusion I just yell. "That's enough! Just fucking stop it! I don't know what the hell is going on between you too, but stop! Leave Jordan alone, and he will stay his distance from you."

Dawson calms down, the boys releasing their grips from him, yes, it took three guys and he still wasn't calm. It's the first time I've ever been worried Jordan wouldn't win a fight. Before Dawson can say a thing I continue, "You tell me what the hell is going on. I don't care if I have to be the liaison between you and Jordan, but this trip is supposed to be about fun and family, and I have no clue what you have to do with any of that." I point to the couch, "Now sit your ass down and talk."

All of the anger and frustrations that have built up over the years are coming out of me. I'm tired of the lies Jordan keeps to himself, his selfish ways, me always being the weak one letting him control situations.

Dawson sits on the couch, balling his hands into fists, and then relaxing them, over and over. "Your boyfriend ones me a shit ton of drug money." The words casually roll off of his tongue. I'm confused and so are the rest of the cube members. "What?" are the only words I can manage to say.

Hopelessly - Cube SMP // Bayani // HAPPILY SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now