Chapter 25

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6 am on a Monday morning and Jordan and mine alarm clocks go off in unison, waking us up for class.

"Good morning, beautiful." Jordan says, in his sleepy voice.

"Morning, handsom."

I get up and realize all if my clothes are at Tublines, and I panic. Putting on the shorts I wore yesterday Jordan tells me just to wear his shirt, and so I do, not arguing. He gets ready at the same pace I do and we both have a banana before we head out the door, into Tubs place so I can get my book bag.

The bell rings for the first class to start and my conversation with Joey is interrupted as Mr.Rudloff begins to speak.

"Good morning, class." He says, and we all mumble back a good morning, "Last weeks speeches you all gave in front of the class were fantastic word wise, but lacked connection with the audience. Most were either tense, scared, overly comfortable or just didn't really care to be here." He says, and some classmates laugh, "When I talk to you in the front of the room on a daily basis I never look any of you in the eye for more than a second or two, and when I feel as if you all have your eyes on me, instead of feeling pressured and uncomfortable I do two things to help me relax and stay focused on what I'm teaching." Mr.Rudloff goes and stands by his podium and looks around the room an awkward silence fills the small space, "Not once did I look any of you in the face. Ellie, your roots are growing in and Ashton your man bun looks great today. By the end of this semester I will have each and every one of the tops of your heads memorized because I skim. If you don't look at the person scolding you with their eyes and just look at the top of their heads you'll feel so much more comfortable." He goes on to tell us about how no one really cares that you're giving a speech, so there's nothing to worry about. Soon the bell rings for class to end and he wishes us a good morrow.

A blonde girl that sits in the back of the room comes up to me as I'm putting my binder into my back pack, "How's it feel to get the leftovers?" She says.

"I'm sorry, what?" I say.

"Your on and off again boyfriend, Jordan, you're not the only one he's had his hands all over. I'd watch out." She retorts, and walks away.

What? I want out of the classroom to find Jordan after getting a strange look from Joey. I walk through the west wing hall to try and meet Jordan out of class in mid campus.

Some guy stops me as I walk through the campus outside hangout, "Hey, your boyfriends sleeping with other girls, so why don't you get him back." The guys says, biting his lip.

"No." I say and push him back, "and it's not your place to know what he does." I speed walk away, seeing Jordan on the next campus.

"You'll regret that!" The jock yells back at me. I ignore it until I finally have my hand wrapped around Jordan's arm.

"What is going on?" I harshly ask, catching him off guard.

"What?" He asks back.

"I've had people coming up to me saying you're sleeping with other girls and hooking up with people every night."

His smile fades, "It was before we were back together babe, it meant nothing it was drunken sex at that party-I"

I cut him off, "Then why are people making such a big deal about it?"

He shake his head, "I don't know!"

"How many girls was it Jordan?" I ask.

"That one at the party."

"I'm not going to be mad. I believe you and I know it meant nothing to you. Be honest with me, I want to hear it from you not some girl in my Speech class."

He groans, "Five. But it was over a span of 3 weeks!"

I let out a sigh, "I'm the biggest virgin."

"You're not a virgin." He chuckles, "and what do you mean?"

I laugh, "while you were out getting laid every night I was playing COD with Ryan and Tubs."

"Come on, you and Chance didn't do anything?" He puts emphasis on anything.

"He ate me out." I mumble my words together, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Jordan laughs, "Damn. I'll have to step up my game." He says, grabbing my waist, pulling me into him, "I promise I'll show you what I can do to make you scream my name." He smirks, leaving kisses all around my face.

I blush, "Jordan! We are in a public place!"

He stops kissing me, "I just want everyone to know you're mine, baby."

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