Part 1

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It was a somewhat normal Friday afternoon at South Park Middle School. It was 4th period, and Craig was anxious to get out of class. Not to see his ex-boyfriend and his new toy, but to get the hell home.

Craig sat it class and mumbled to himself,

"One more hour we can do this."

But his last hour had Tweek and his new boyfriend in it. Later on, the bell rang, Craig sighed as he walked out of the classroom and into the crowded halls.

Craig quietly walked to class, ignoring everyone who called out his name. When the dark-haired boy arrived in the classroom, he greeted his teacher,

"Bonjour madame." (Hello ma'am)

The teacher smiled at this and replied,

"Comment vas-tu aujourd hui Craig?" (How are you today, Craig?)

Craig smiled sweetly and looked down at his desk before replying back,

"C'est bien, mais ca pourrait être mieux." (I'm fine, but I could be better).

The bell rang, and their conversation was cut short, Pete walked in and sat next to the green-eyed boy.

"Bonjour classe!" (Hello, class!)

The teacher greeted and started the lesson for today.

Just as class was about to end, Craig heard a commotion in the back of the classroom, and he heard his name. He slightly looked back and saw Jason talking to his friends. He made some stupid snarky comment about Craig saying,

"Craig's so ugly an old woman wouldn't want him."

Jason's goons laughed at the comment but shut up when the black-haired boy stood up, turned around, and glared at their leader. Craig smirked and said to the brown-haired boy,

"Alright Jason, if that's how you feel, let's settle things as men, once and for all, then no more, you and me, after school, at the park, be there."

Jason swallowed nervously but agreed to Craig's fight offer, he looked at the ground, Why the hell did I just agree to a fucking fight?! He said in his head. He sighed and looked up at the back of Craig's head just as the bell rang.

He chuckled; I'll do it for Tweek then. I swear I'll protect him with my life, even if it gets me killed by Craig Tucker.

Pete looked over at the dark-haired boy just as he was about to leave,

"Hey, it's your funeral Craig, you could either get the shit beat out of you, get caught by a teacher, or get arrested. But hey, you do you, man."

A/N: Hello, I won't post down here much, but give me your thoughts or any suggestions you have. Sorry for all the language if you're not comfortable with it. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.

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