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"You okay?" He asks, I'm still a bit tired from back on the loverseat, Harry notices this so chuckles.

He grabs a cigarette between his teeth, lighting up the end- meaning he's stressed. "Are you okay?" I redirect the question to him.

He walks over to me, then places the cigarette between my teeth, my stomach bubbles as he does, I feel my cheeks heat up again. "Hold this for me, baby." He tells me and I nod. He lifts his leg beside me, doing up his black traiers. "I'm alright. Just nervous." He tells me, keeping the smile on his face. "Haven't really gone against my mum like this before." He says timidly.

I look at him when he puts his foot back down, taking the cigarette from my mouth and into his again. He takes an inhale befroe relaeses the smoke ot th eside. "Against your mum? Is it a personal thing or just the Model side in general?" I ask, curiosity sparking me. And all i think about is how I shouldn't feel nervous asking Harry questions. NAusea shuldn't feel me up ebcause I've askid him a querstion.

"A bit of both I suppose. I'm traking adavatage of her side. She's going to fuck me up if she finds me." He says. He pats his jeans for his keys and nods. "You ready?"

Deciding to discard the other conversaqton, I stand up and nod. We make out way tot he door, he flashes me a smile.

"Right, so," he begins, his hand ont he door handle. "We're gonna walk down the road to the bakery. We'll get something in there then walk right back. Should take ten minutes, they'll be gone by that time." he tells me, I nod. "Alright?"

"Alright." I repeat then I purse my lips shut, he opens the door.

The new sun hits my face, I squint but it's refreshing. I take Harry's arm as we walk out of the house and onto the pavement.

The first camera is shot, a spurt on anxitey imbeds my body. It reminds me of not too long ago, and how numb it made me. I was a prop to people, a prop to gain money with what seemed like no escape.

There are two men outside with us today, coming from different angles. I look at Harry and give him an unenthusiastic smile, he gives me the same.

It's overwhelming, the cameras flashing in my face. I don't know how big I actually am to the world, but I know I am seen. I have a good amount of followers on Instagram. If they could do that in a matter of months, I wonder what else they can do- and how close they are to doing it.

I slide my hand from Harry's right arm to his hand, he gives my hands a squeeze. The warmth of his hands alone makes me more comfortable.

"I'ts okay, my love." he says under his breath, I give him a nod in response, trying to ignore the cameras we hired ourselves.

There's a ding as we enter the small bakery. It's a five minute walk from the house we're renting and the bakery itself. It's very small with very little people there, the person behind the counter gives us a smile.

"Hi," Harry says uncomfortably, It's funny how we're all in this little circle. None of us talk to people we don't need to, we all know the same people. It's how it's always going to be. "We'll have a black coffee and a..." Harry looks up to the screen above before our eyes meet.

I look up at the board and choose at random. "Matacha latte, pleas-"

"A matcha latte, please." he smiles the man, I look up at harry, surprised that he's using his manners. I mean, today he's stressed, I wasn't expecting it.

I smile at his side profile, the perfect curve of his nose, his prominent yet softened jaw. I smile because out of all the souls on the earth, the angel chose me.

We step back after paying, waiting for our order to be prepared, the quiet music in the backround. Harry turns to me, smiling. "Dance with me." he murmers, he barley opens his lips.

I smile, he takes my hand. "Why?" I laugh, but allow him to pull me in.

"Why not?" He says. He raises his eye brows before holding my waist with his spare hand. "A pretty dance for my pretty wife. Only seems right, hm?" I laugh a little, a soft flutter in ,y stomach.

I lean on his chest, I feel his heart beating. It's faster than usual, but calming. His hand lets go of my own, he places his hands on my hips, we sway to the quiet music so subtly, we barely even move.

He hums, leaning his head to the crook of my neck. "We should probably get our drinks." He whispers, giving my ear a kiss- an unexpected kiss.

I back out of the dance, smiling probably way too much, before I nod, grabbing the brown cups. "Ready to go?" he asks with a small smirk on his lips.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I say and as soon as we walk out, I'm reminded of the paps.

I ignore them the best I can and focus of Harry's thumb stroking against my hand.

As we get back to the house, Harry finds the keys to the door, I turn back to see the paps still flashing their cameras, I give them a weak smile. I hired them, it's not big deal that they're here.

I guess it's time to play players game.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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