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Ashton's POV

I just got out of the shower, I'm leaving soon with Alice. For a gig this evening.
I'm worried about her, she told me yesterday that she's been bullied alot.
I try to get her to talk about it but she doesn't wanna, but I'm not gonna force her either.
She can always come to me, she knows this.
After I dried myself using two towels I put my clothes on.
I let my hair fall the way it wants to.

Alice is so sad the past few month, she barely talks and always starres to nowhere.
It's not the Alice i know, I walk to her room to ask her to get ready to go soon.
I knock on her door.
-Alice?- I say.
No response, I don't like this.
-Alice can you respond please- I say.
No response again, I open the door a little and I peek my head around the corner.
She's not here, huh?
-Alice! Your scaring me!- I say a little louder.
-I'm here- I hear coming from the bathroom.
-jeez darling don't do that to me again- I say, looking at the bathroom door.
-sorry- she whispers.
Wait a minute.
-it's okey, are you coming?- I ask.
-soon- she whispers.
I walk to the door,-Open the door- I say, something's wrong. I can feel it.
-no ill be downstairs soon- she says.
-can you tell me what you are doing?- I ask her.
-go away dad please- she says.
-be honest- I say.
Please don't be doing what I think you are doing.
-nothing- she says, I hear her voice crack.
-hun, I'm here for you okey? I know life sucks at the moment but it will get better. I promise- I say, she is twelve for fuckssake!.
She starts crying loudly, I push the door open, blood is running down her arms and it drips also on the floor.
-Nononono- I say, rushing over to her, while she's dropping the razor blade
I hug her tight.
-IM SORRY- she shouts while crying still.
-don't apologize for feeling bad please- I whisper, tears fill my eyes.
I kick the blade away so she can't reach for it.
-cmon- I say, now im crying too.
I take her to her room.
She sits on her bed while sobbing 
I quickly hop to my room to grab a first aid, i go back to Alice.
I sit next to her.
I take her arm carefully, she lays her head against my shoulder.
-whats going on in your head sweetheart?- I ask her.
-I'm fat- I whisper.
-what? No- I say, I start cleaning the wounds on her arms.
-Linda said I am everyday- she says, trying not to cry again.
-that's a lie!- I say.
I lift her chin up carefully.
What the hell?!
I see that her right eye is bruised, she always wears hats and the hood of her hoodie so I don't see her eyes much probably.
-why is your eye bruised? Did Linda do this?!- I say.
She shakes her head.
-Nicki- she whispers.
-you are going to a other school okey? I'll call your school don't worry- I say, she nods a little.
I continue cleaning her wounds.
-I don't know what else they said to you but I can talk hours about how special you are- I say, she smiles a little.
I get up and leave for a second.
I come back with a hoodie.
I put her arms in bandages.
-would you like me to tell the boys too? So they know?- I ask her.
She nods.
-okay, here- I say and give her one of my hoodies

-okay, here- I say and give her one of my hoodies

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(This one)
She nods and goes to the bathroom.
-wait- I say, and quickly take the blade out of there.
She nods a little, I close the door for her.
After she changed her shirt to a hoodie she comes back.
-darling, do you have blades somewhere else?- I ask her.
She starres at the floor.
-you know that I'm not mad, but please be honest- I say.
She nods and after a while she shows me where it is.
I open a wooden box, Jesus christ, there are like more than twenty blades in here.
I sigh.
-sorry- she whispers.
-nonono, it's not your fault darling- I say.
I put the blade from the bathroom in there too.
-do you have more blades somewhere else?- I ask.
She shakes her head.
-okay, I'm gonna go get rid of these, what about we go get you food on the way to the gig? Get you some chicken and rice? You lost alot of blood I think thay your body would like to have some food hm?- I say.
She nods.
-and ofcourse a milkshake- I say.
She smiles a little.
I pull her carefully into a hug.
She hugs back.
-let's go hm?- I say, she nods and actually takes my hand.
I wrap my arm around her instead...
-it'll get better- I say, she nods a little.
After we stepped in my car, I got Rose her favorite food that I told her I'd get her and a drink ofcourse.
After that we went to the gig.
It went well, I told the guys about her situation

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