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(You never listen, ((this really happened to ashton)) )

-dad, just take the coat off okey- i say.
-darling, daddy will be fine okay?- he says, I cross my arms.
-I'm ten years old but I have more braincells and IQ than you- I say.
-I don't like the tone you are having to me Nicky- he says, I shrug.
-go sit on the couch, no tablet for you- he says and takes my tablet away. we are backstage of a venue in Mexico, It's freaking hot here and this guy wants to keep his coat on, on stage! I sit on the couch and cross my arms.
I don't care about my stupid tablet.
I look down at my sneakers while pouting..
-time go to on stage lads!- I hear someone say, Dad looks at me.
-be nice while I'm gone okay?- he says leaning his hands on his knees.
-you stay alive- I say,-yeah yeah, if you are nice the rest of the evening you can choose something from any store yeah?- he says, I nod.
-just be careful dad- I say, he nods.
Uncle Luke gives me an high five, they say their goodbyes and then they head to the stage.
He does have a oxygen tank next to him on stage but that still doesn't mean that he can't get hurt.
I grab my tablet, he's not even here so he can't check on me not touching my tablet (:

((30 minutes later))
Suddenly i hear shouting, michael enters.
-Nicky, darling- Michael quickly walks to me, he says,-your dad is going to the hospital. Are you coming?- he says, trying to keep himself calm.
-what? Why??- I ask.
-he got overheated on stage- Michael says.
Luke and calum enter too, they are packing their things they brought to here with them.
-w-what?- I whisper, I told you that this would go wrong!
-shhhh, calm down darling, he'll be fine he just left to the hospital. Grab your things okay?- Michael says, I nod.
I het up and put my few things in my school bag that i took with me after a bit we leave the venue. I climb in uncle Michael's car, he drives me to the hospital.

When we arrive I leave my bag in the car and i run in the hospital
-wait for me!- I hear Michael shout, but i keep running.
I ask a lady that works here where he is.
She tells me wich floor, I go there.
I walk through the hall, I find a doctor walking here.
-sir!- I walk to him fast.
-yes?- he says.
-where is my dad?- I ask him.
-what's your dad's name?- he asks.
-ashton irwin- I say.
-ah yes i just went to check if he's feeling alright now. Room 231- he says.
-thank you- I say, he nods.
-but he's asleep now so, give him some space okay little one?- he says, I nod and quickly go there.
A security guy is standing in front of the door.
-hello Nicky, come on in- the man says, I nod and enter.
I know this guy, he's sweet.
Dad is hooked up to machines, I see a heart beat monitor, needles in his wrists and he's wearing a oxygen mask.
I slowley walk towards him, yes he's asleep. I grab a chair and i sit beside him, i starre at him.
Someone enters, it's uncle Michael, Luke and calum.
-there you are, don't run away like that!- Michael says.
I look at him,-I'm sorry- I say.
He sighs,- it's alright kid- he says.
I look back at dad, the boys take chairs too and sit around the bed as well.

I lift my legs up and i hug them while still sitting on the chair.
I starre to nowhere.

(An hour later)

I keep starring at nowhere....

Luke's POV

We see that Ashton is waking up,-hey man- I say, he smiles a little.
Nicky keeps starring at the floor, a nurse came in like five minutes ago and she took his oxygen mask off.
-nicky- ashton says.
Nicky doesn't move an inch.
-darling, hey- ashton says, still no response from her.

Nicky's POV

-I know that you are mad at me- dad says,- I am- I say
-you have every right to be- dad says..
-you never listen to my advice, never- I whisper.
-I know, I should listen to you more often darling- dad says, he slowley reaches his arm out to me.
-cmon, give your old man a hug- he says,-why wont you listen to me just once- I say.
-I don't know, that's just how i am... but i'll try to listen more- dad says, I look up at him.
-I almost lost you- I say.
He nods
-I can't lose you too, dad- I say.
-you won't lose me- he tells me.
-mom said the same about herself- I say.
My lips start shaking,-come here- dad says.
I get up, he makes space for me.
I lay next to him,-it's okay, I'm okay- he whispers, my lips are shaking.
-you can cry- he says.
I start to cry.
-shhhhhhh...- he whispers.
I grab and hold his left hand, I'm laying  on his right.
Dad gives my forehead a kiss
-can you do me one favor dad?- I ask.
-always- he says.
-rest- I say.
He nods,-i will, promise- he says.
I smile a little.
After dad had some conversations with his bandmates, during those I fall asleep on dad's chest.

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